Category Archives: Criminal

A Superior Court’s Inherent Jurisdiction to Infringe the Charter Right to a Jury Trial?

By: Admin PDF Version: A Superior Court’s Inherent Jurisdiction to Infringe the Charter Right to a Jury Trial? Case Commented On: R v Boisjoli, 2018 ABQB 410 (CanLII) The decision of Justice Eldon J. Simpson in R v Boisjoli is … Continue reading

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Criminal Law Rules! The Contextual Use of Criminal Law Principles and Charter Values in Groia v The Law Society of Upper Canada

By: Lisa Ann Silver PDF Version: Criminal Law Rules! The Contextual Use of Criminal Law Principles and Charter Values in Groia v The Law Society of Upper Canada Case Commented On: Groia v The Law Soceity of Upper Canada, 2018 … Continue reading

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Leaving A Paper Trail: A Comment on Bill C-75

By: Lisa Silver PDF Version: Leaving A Paper Trail: A Comment on Bill C-75 Legislation Commented On: Bill C-75, An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Youth Criminal Justice Act and other Acts and to make consequential amendments to other … Continue reading

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Evidentiary Issues with Claim of Racial Profiling in R v Kenowesequape

By: Chad Haggerty PDF Version: Evidentiary Issues with Claim of Racial Profiling in R v Kenowesequape Case Commented On: R v Kenowesequape, 2018 ABQB 135 (CanLII) In 1999, the Ontario Court of Appeal adopted the following definition of “racial profiling” Racial profiling … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Criminal | 1 Comment

Wilful Blindness and the Contradictions of Sentencing

By: Erin Sheley PDF Version: Wilful Blindness and the Contradictions of Sentencing Case Commented On: R v Giroux, 2018 ABCA 56 (CanLII) Sentencing is a notoriously self-contradictory component of the criminal process. On the one hand, it allows judges freedom from … Continue reading

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