Category Archives: Criminal

Domestic Violence Cases: A Summer Snapshot

PDF Version: Domestic Violence Cases: A Summer Snapshot Cases commented on: R v Hooker, 2013 ABQB 271; R v Bandesha, 2013 ABCA 255 There were a number of reported Alberta cases involving domestic violence this summer. The decisions collectively illustrate … Continue reading

Posted in Criminal, State Responses to Violence | 2 Comments

Blurred Lines: The Need for Clear Criteria in the Sentencing of Sexual Assaults

PDF Version: Blurred Lines: The Need for Clear Criteria in the Sentencing of Sexual Assaults Case commented on: R v Sam, 2013 ABCA 174 What is a “major sexual assault” for the purposes of applying sentencing guidelines in sexual assault … Continue reading

Posted in Criminal, State Responses to Violence | 3 Comments

Roundtable on Ontario v Criminal Lawyers’ Association of Ontario

PDF Version: Roundtable on Ontario v Criminal Lawyers’ Association of Ontario Cases Considered: Ontario v Criminal Lawyers’ Association of Ontario, 2013 SCC 43 On August 13, 2013, Faculty of Law hosted its last Roundtable discussion of the summer. That discussion … Continue reading

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Publication Bans in Police Mr. Big Operations

PDF version: Publication Bans in Police Mr. Big Operations013 Case commented on: R v NRR, 2013 ABQB 302. NRR was a youth who was being charged with two counts of second degree murder, one count of possession of stolen property, and … Continue reading

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Safe Sites for Illegal Drug Consumption: In Need of Insight

PDF version: Safe Sites for Illegal Drug Consumption: In Need of Insight Legislation / case commented on: Bill C-65, An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, First Session, Forty-first Parliament, 60-61-62 Elizabeth II, 2011-2012-2013 (“Respect for Communities … Continue reading

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