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Power Purchase Arrangement Litigation Comes to an End

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Power Purchase Arrangement Litigation Comes to an End

Matter Commented On: Government of Alberta Press Release, March 9, 2018

The Government of Alberta issued a Press Release on March 9, 2018 indicating the Government and ENMAX “have agreed to withdraw ENMAX from the Power Purchase Arrangement (PPA) legal action initiated in 2016 by the Attorney General”. The agreement apparently “provides for the transfer from ENMAX to the Balancing Pool of 166,667 carbon offset credits and for a payment of equivalent value to ENMAX from the Balancing Pool for previously disputed and unpaid dispatch services and PPA transition matters”. The release goes on to note that “With this agreement, the legal action between the Government of Alberta, ENMAX and the remaining parties will be ended”.

ABlawg has published numerous posts on the PPA litigation (see here, here, here, here, here, and here) and there is a nice summary of the history of the litigation on the blog of the Alberta Power Market, a very informative blog prepared by members of the Electricity Markets Group of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP.

This post may be cited as: Nigel Bankes “Power Purchase Arrangement Litigation Comes to an End” (14 March, 2018), online: ABlawg,

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Some Things Have Changed but Much Remains the Same: the New Canadian Energy Regulator

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Some Things Have Changed but Much Remains the Same: the New Canadian Energy Regulator

Bill Commented On: Bill C-69, An Act to enact the Impact Assessment Act and the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, to amend the Navigation Protection Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts

Given the discussions over the last year as to the future of the National Energy Board (see posts here and here) it is hardly surprising that Part 2 of Bill C-69 takes the form of an entirely new Act to be known as the Canadian Energy Regulator Act (CERA) rather than a set of amendments to the existing National Energy Board Act, RSC 1985, c N-7. This no doubt creates the impression that the new Bill represents a wholesale replacement of the NEB rather than mere tinkering. This post examines whether this is indeed the case by examining in some more detail what has changed and what remains the same. My focus is Part 2 of Bill C-69. My colleague Martin Olszynski has already provided a post on Part 1 of the Bill, the proposed new Impact Assessment Act (IIA) as well as the amendments to the Fisheries Act.

The AESO Line Loss Marathon Inches Towards the Finish Line

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: The AESO Line Loss Marathon Inches Towards the Finish Line

Decision Commented On: Milner Power Inc. & ATCO Power Ltd. Complaints Regarding the ISO Transmission Loss Factor Rule and Loss Factor Methodology, Phase 2 Module C, AUC Decision 790-D06-2017, December 18, 2017

In a pre-Christmas post on the power purchase arrangements (PPAs) saga I hinted that, at least from the perspective of the energy regulatory lawyers in the city, the PPA saga must be the gift that keeps on giving; but this epithet must be even more so for the line loss dispute—for this truly is a marathon. And while the latest decision of the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) gets us a little closer to the finish line, I fully expect that we shall see further applications to the AUC for review and variance and perhaps several more trips to the Court of Appeal. Indeed I believe that there is still one outstanding application (Capital Power Corporation v Alberta (Utilities Commission), 2015 ABCA 197 (CanLII) and see also at paras 150-152 of this decision) for permission to appeal an earlier decision which application was adjourned sine die pending the outcome of the AUC’s decision on the merits (i.e. this decision).

ENMAX PPA Terminates Under the Change of Law Clause When the Buyer Provides the Balancing Pool with Notice of Termination

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: ENMAX PPA Terminates Under the Change of Law Clause When the Buyer Provides the Balancing Pool with Notice of Termination

Case Commented On: ENMAX PPA Management Inc v Balancing Pool, 2017 ABQB 605 (CanLII)

In this decision Justice Paul Jeffrey concluded that ENMAX terminated (as against the Balancing Pool (BP)) its Battle River Power Purchase Arrangement (PPA) on the effective date of the termination notice that it had sent to the BP. ENMAX sent its termination notice on December 11, 2016 and prescribed an effective date and time of termination as January 1, 2016 at 12:01 a.m. The BP took the view that termination did not become effective until it was legally able to take over the buyer’s responsibilities under the PPA. This did not happen in this case until the BP was able to appoint an agent to act for it with respect to the technical tasks associated with offer control. The BP could not do this until it had obtained the approval of the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) to permit sharing of records as required by section 2(f) of the Fair Efficient and Open Competition Regulation, Alta Reg 159/2009. The BP did not get that approval until June 28, 2016 (see AUC Decision 21406-D01-2016) and did not assume offer control through its appointed agent (Capital Power Generation Services Inc) until July 13, 2016. Accordingly, the BP took the position that ENMAX’s termination only became effective on that date i.e. July 13, 2016. In this application for a declaration brought by ENMAX Justice Jeffrey rejects the BP’s position and finds decisively in favour of ENMAX.

It is perhaps important to observe at the outset that all that this judgment decides is the termination date as between ENMAX and the BP. The BP had not objected to the termination itself and indeed had accepted ENMAX’s termination notice as a valid termination – it merely questioned its effective date. It will be recalled however that the right to terminate is very much still an issue as between the Province of Alberta and ENMAX and the BP. The Province has commenced an application before the courts contesting the terms of the PPA (the “more unprofitable” issue), the interpretation of the PPA (was the PPA unprofitable/more unprofitable by reason of the Province’s carbon levy or for other market reasons) and the BP’s decision to accept the termination as a valid termination. For previous posts on this litigation see here, here, here and here. Justice Jeffrey does not mention this litigation and presumably this judgment cannot touch the issues that lie at the heart of those proceedings although no doubt parties will still try to make something of phrases here and there in Justice Jeffrey’s admirably crisp and elegant judgment. In fact it’s hard to resist the temptation myself—I can’t help but note that Justice Jeffrey (at para 8) quotes the un-amended version of section 4.3(j) of the PPA—but I suspect we cannot attach any significance to that especially as Justice Jeffrey acknowledges the “amendment” at para 37. ENMAX in turn will likely take comfort from para 57 of Justice Jeffrey’s judgment in which he emphasizes that in drafting the PPA and especially the change of law clause “the legislators endeavoured to provide as much certainty as possible to potential buyers and relieve them of non-market related risks” but of course the effect of including the “more unprofitable language” is potentially to accord the Buyer relief from market risks as well as non-market risks.

Justice Jeffrey began by considering the applicable interpretive approach. Should the PPA be interpreted as a contract or some sort of statutory arrangement? Recall that the “A” in PPA stands for “arrangements” and not “agreement”. Justice Jeffrey noted that there was some difference of judicial opinion on the point before referring to the opinion that the AUC expressed in its TAU PPA-related market manipulation decision (MSA v TAU, Kaiser & Connolly, AUC Decision 3110-D01-2015) in which the AUC characterized the PPAs as “a component of a statutory scheme enacted to ensure the fair, efficient and openly competitive operation of the electricity market in Alberta.” Justice Jeffrey concluded that the AUC’s opinion on characterization was entitled to a high degree of deference but he also believed it to be correct for the following reasons (at paras 34-37): the wording of the PPAs was finalized “by legislative act”; PPAs are lacking in some of the essential elements of a contract; PPAs are not stand alone documents—they can only be understood and interpreted within their statutory context; the text of the PPAs makes this statutory context clear; and ENMAX itself (which proposed the contractual approach) relies on the regulatory and statutory context to incorporate the all-important “or more unprofitable” language into the PPA. It followed from this characterization of the PPA that the court should approach the interpretation of the PPA keeping in mind both Rizzo & Rizzo Shoes Ltd. (Re), [1998] 1 SCR 27, 1998 CanLII 837 (SCC) and the Interpretation Act, RSA 2000, c I-8 and especially s 10:

An enactment shall be construed as being remedial, and shall be given the fair, large and liberal construction and interpretation that best ensures the attainment of its objects.

Justice Jeffrey gave seven reasons for concluding that ENMAX was entitled to succeed. The balance of this post summarizes those grounds.

  1. Section 4.3(j) of the PPA simply states that “the Buyer may terminate this Arrangement”. Unlike other provisions of the PPA it does not provide for a notice period. While the clause does not say “immediately” that can be inferred in light of the other termination provisions in the PPA (paras 44-47).
  2. Section 4.3(j) of the PPA contemplates that the Buyer will bear any cost consequences from a Change in Law termination and this suggests that termination should have immediate effect—if not the Buyer will suffer cost consequences (para 48).
  3. The Balancing Pool Regulation, Alta Reg 158/2003 contemplates an interim payment mechanism to cover the period between notice and the BP’s assessment of the validity of the notice. This mechanism would be superfluous if the BP’s interpretation were correct (paras 49-52).
  4. Section 96(3) of the Electric Utilities Act, SA 2003, c E-5.1 when read in conjunction with the Balancing Pool Regulation also supported the immediate termination approach (paras 53-54).
  5. The report of the Independent Assessment Team (IAT) also supported immediate termination.
  6. The whole purpose of the Change in Law Termination was to relieve the Buyer of non-market related risks. The BP’s preferred interpretation would mean that the Buyer would bear some non-market risk until the BP was in a position to assume offer control. This interpretation is inconsistent with the overall purpose of the clause. The fact that the BP had not maintained its own capability to provide offer control service since 2006 should not affect that conclusion.
  7. The BP’s interpretation creates uncertainty as to the effective date of termination and makes it dependent to some extent on the BP’s own previous actions and decisions (e.g. to cease maintaining its own offer control capability). This level of uncertainty is inconsistent with the overall purpose and intent of the Change in Law clause.

This post may be cited as: Nigel Bankes “ENMAX PPA Terminates Under the Change of Law Clause When the Buyer Provides the Balancing Pool with Notice of Termination” (18 October, 2017), online: ABlawg,

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Clyde River and Chippewas of the Thames: Some Clarifications Provided But Some Challenges Remain

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Clyde River and Chippewas of the Thames: Some Clarifications Provided But Some Challenges Remain

Cases Commented On: Clyde River (Hamlet) v Petroleum Geo-Services Inc., 2017 SCC 40 (CanLII) and Chippewas of the Thames First Nation v Enbridge Pipelines Inc., 2017 SCC 41 (CanLII)

The Supreme Court of Canada has rendered judgment in two cases involving the National Energy Board (NEB) and the duty to consult Indigenous communities. One decision, Clyde River, involves an authorization granted to Petroleum Geo-Services Inc (PGS) to conduct marine seismic testing in Baffin Bay and Davis Strait under the terms of the Canada Oil and Gas Operations ActRSC 1985, c O-7 (COGOA). The Supreme Court of Canada concluded that the Crown had failed to discharge its duty to consult and accommodate and that as a result the NEB authorization should be quashed. The second decision, Chippewas of the Thames First Nation (CTFN), involves an order by the NEB under s 58 of the National Energy Board ActRSC 1985, c N-7  (NEBA) exempting Enbridge Pipelines Inc (Enbridge) from the need to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity under s 52 of NEBA and at the same time amending the operation of part of Line 9 (Line 9B), to authorize reversing the flow of the line, increasing its capacity and allowing for the transportation of heavy crude. The Supreme Court of Canada concluded that the Crown was entitled to rely on the procedures adopted by the NEB in engaging with CTFN to discharge the Crown’s duty to consult and accommodate and that those procedures in this case were adequate.

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