Category Archives: Energy

The Termination of Power Purchase Arrangements in Alberta: What is the Legal Position and What are the Implications of Termination?

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: The Termination of Power Purchase Arrangements in Alberta: What is the Legal Position and What are the Implications of Termination? Case Commented On: The decisions of various buyers to “terminate” their interests in power purchase … Continue reading

Posted in Energy | 2 Comments

Court Confirms that the AUC Can Take the Lead in Examining the Scope of the ISO’s Reporting Obligations

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Court Confirms that the AUC Can Take the Lead in Examining the Scope of the ISO’s Reporting Obligations Case Commented On: Independent Power Producers’ Society of Alberta v Independent System Operator (Alberta Electric System Operator), … Continue reading

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The Regulation of the Construction and Operation of Electric Distribution Systems in Alberta

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: The Regulation of the Construction and Operation of Electric Distribution Systems in Alberta Decision Commented On: AUC Decision 20799-D01-2016, Finlay Group, Complaint Regarding FortisAlberta Inc, Distribution Line Rebuild Project, February 3, 2016 This decision of … Continue reading

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BC Court Confirms That a Municipality Has No Authority With Respect to the Routing of an Interprovincial Pipeline

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: BC Court Confirms That a Municipality Has No Authority With Respect to the Routing of an Interprovincial Pipeline Case Commented On: Burnaby (City) v Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC, 2015 BCSC 2140 The Trans Mountain Expansion … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Energy, Natural Resources, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

Alberta’s New Climate Plan: Can Alberta Be a Model for Texas?

By: James Coleman PDF Version: Alberta’s New Climate Plan: Can Alberta Be a Model for Texas? Mater Commented On: Alberta’s Climate Leadership Report On Monday, Premier Rachel Notley announced Alberta’s new climate plan, which is supported by a detailed report from a panel of … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Energy | 1 Comment