Category Archives: Environmental

Two Alberta Perpetuities Stories

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Two Alberta Perpetuities Stories Matters Commented On: Bill 8, Justice Statutes Amendment Act and Gottlob Schmidt’s donation to the province of Antelope Provincial Park This post covers two matters. The first is the amendment to … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Property | 1 Comment

Whose (Pipe)line is it Anyway?

By: Martin Olszynski  PDF Version: Whose (Pipe)line is it Anyway? Document Commented On: Quebec’s Letter to TransCanada Corp. Imposing 7 Conditions on Energy East On November 18th, on the heels of a unanimous vote of non-confidence in the National Energy … Continue reading

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Ernst v Alberta Environment: The Gatekeeper Refuses to Strike or Grant Summary Judgment

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Ernst v Alberta Environment: The Gatekeeper Refuses to Strike or Grant Summary Judgment Case Commented On: Ernst v Alberta Environment, 2014 ABQB 672 This short comment adds to the recent posts on ABlawg by Professor … Continue reading

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Regulatory Negligence Redux: Alberta Environment’s Motion to Strike in Fracking Litigation Denied

By: Martin Olszynski PDF Version: Regulatory Negligence Redux: Alberta Environment’s Motion to Strike in Fracking Litigation Denied Case Commented On: Ernst v EnCana Corporation, 2014 ABQB 672 This post follows up on a previous one regarding Ms. Ernst’s lawsuit against … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Torts | 1 Comment

Ernst v Alberta (Energy Resources Conservation Board): The gatekeeper is alive and well

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Ernst v Alberta (Energy Resources Conservation Board): The gatekeeper is alive and well Case Commented On: Ernst v Alberta (Energy Resources Conservation Board), 2014 ABCA 285 This comment adds to the earlier post by Martin … Continue reading

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