Category Archives: Environmental

How the Canadian Forces defended the Sprague’s Pipit

PDF version: How the Canadian Forces defended the Sprague’s Pipit Decisions considered: Decision Statement issued November 30, 2012 re: Cenovus (formerly EnCana) Shallow Gas Infill Development Project proposed for the Suffield National Wildlife Area, online here. Re: EnCana Shallow Gas … Continue reading

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Bill 2 the Responsible Energy Development Act and the Duty to Consult

PDF version: Bill 2 the Responsible Energy Development Act and the Duty to Consult Proposals commented on: Bill 2, the Responsible Energy Development Act, Alberta and the First Nations Consultation Policy, Discussion Paper, (Fall 2012). There has been a lively … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Environmental, Natural Resources, Oil & Gas, Responsible Energy Development Act | Comments Off on Bill 2 the Responsible Energy Development Act and the Duty to Consult

An Overview of Bill 2: Responsible Energy Development Act – What are the changes and What are the issues?*

PDF version: An Overview of Bill 2: Responsible Energy Development Act – What are the changes and What are the issues?* Bill commented on: Bill 2, Responsible Energy Development Act, The Legislative Assembly of Alberta, 1st Session, 28th Legislature On … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Environmental, Natural Resources, Oil & Gas, Responsible Energy Development Act | 1 Comment

Bill 2 and its implications for landowner participation in energy project decision-making

PDF version: Bill 2 and its implications for landowner participation in energy project decision-making Bill commented on: Bill 2, Responsible Energy Development Act, The Legislative Assembly of Alberta, First Session, 28th Legislature I find it strange to be writing in … Continue reading

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Bill 2, the Responsible Energy Development Act and the Enforcement of Private Surface Agreements

PDF version: Bill 2, the Responsible Energy Development Act and the Enforcement of Private Surface Agreements Proposal commented on: Bill 2, the Responsible Energy Development Act Bill 2, the Responsible Energy Development Act (REDA) if enacted will afford the Regulator an … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Environmental, Natural Resources, Oil & Gas, Responsible Energy Development Act | 4 Comments