Author Archives: Shaun Fluker

About Shaun Fluker

B.Comm. (Alberta), LL.B. (Victoria), LL.M. (Calgary). Associate Professor. Please click here for more information.

Alberta Threatens the Independence of its Legal Aid Program

By: Shaun Fluker Agreement comment on: Governance Agreement Respecting Legal Aid (September 6, 2024) PDF Version: Alberta Threatens the Independence of its Legal Aid Program In early September, the Alberta government announced it had signed a new five year (2024 … Continue reading

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Legal Hunting of an Endangered Species: A Grizzly Tale in Alberta

By: Shaun Fluker Legislation commented on: Wildlife (Grizzly Bear – Ministerial) Amendment Regulation, Alta Reg 115/2024 PDF Version: Legal Hunting of an Endangered Species: A Grizzly Tale in Alberta On July 9 the Alberta government issued a news release announcing … Continue reading

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The Problem with Industry Control of the OWA, and OWA Control of Oil and Gas Insolvency

By: Drew Yewchuk & Shaun Fluker Regulatory Memo Commented On: Internal Alberta Energy Regulator Memorandum, Unintended Consequences of Ministerial Order 043/2023 in Insolvency April 11, 2024 PDF Version: The Problem with Industry Control of the OWA, and OWA Control of … Continue reading

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The Premier’s Review of the AER: A Recipe for How Industry Can Have its Cake and Eat it too

By: Drew Yewchuk, Shaun Fluker, Martin Olszynski, and Nigel Bankes Commented on: Final report: Premier’s Review of the Alberta Energy Regulator (May 2024) PDF Version: The Premier’s Review of the AER: A Recipe for How Industry Can Have its Cake … Continue reading

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Bill 18 Provincial Priorities Act: Alberta Strikes Again

By: Shaun Fluker Matter commented on: Bill 18, Provincial Priorities Act, 1st Sess, 31st Leg, Alberta, 2024 (first reading 10 April 2024) PDF Version: Bill 18 Provincial Priorities Act: Alberta Strikes Again On April 10, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith introduced … Continue reading

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