Category Archives: Environmental

Nova Scotia exploration well approval case

PDF version:   Nova Scotia exploration well approval case

Decision commented on: Margaree Environmental Association v Nova Scotia (Environment), 2012 NSSC 296.

In this case Justice MacAdam of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court denied a statutory appeal from a decision of the Nova Scotia Department of the Environment to grant an approval to drill an exploration well on a 383,000 acre block in the area around Lake Ainslie.  There is nothing particularly remarkable about the case but I blog it here for these reasons: (1) it’s an oil and gas case and there are surprisingly few oil and gas cases involving judicial review or statutory appeals from decisions to issue (or not issue) a well licence or equivalent; (2) it’s a decision from a non-traditional oil and gas jurisdiction, Nova Scotia.

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Access to Justice: University of Calgary Environmental Law Clinic in 2011/2012 – “What’s legal is not always what is just” – Rick Collier

PDF version: Access to Justice: University of Calgary Environmental Law Clinic in 2011/2012 – “What’s legal is not always what is just” – Rick Collier

Case and Decision considered: Kelly v Alberta (Energy Resources Conservation Board), 2012 ABCA 19,

Hohloch v Director, Southern Region, Environmental Management, Alberta Environment and Water, re: Eastern Irrigation District (29 March 2012), (AEAB), Appeal No 10-043-ID2

 As the Fall 2012 term approaches we here at the law school have started to prepare for the return of students and the resumption of lectures.  In my case, this includes getting ready for another year of supervising our environmental law clinic.  Before the new term arrives for the clinic, however, I want to look back on some highlights from 2011/2012.  The clinic allows one to step out of the law school and into the field of environmental disputes in Alberta.  If there was a common theme to all of our files last year, it was access to justice.  I’ve chosen to end this recap with a tribute to Rick Collier who stood up for wilderness in an act of civil disobedience to protest the lack of public input into resource and environmental decision-making in Alberta.

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The Proposed Single Energy Regulator: Where Are We Now and Where Do We Go from Here?

PDF version: The Proposed Single Energy Regulator: Where Are We Now and Where Do We Go from Here?

Report commented on: Enhancing Assurance: Developing an integrated energy resources regulator, A Discussion Document, May 2011 

It has been over a year since the latest proposal to move to a single regulator for energy development in Alberta was released (see Enhancing Assurance: Developing an integrated energy resources regulator, A Discussion Document, May 2011 (Discussion Document)). Many Albertans are likely asking what, if anything, has happened since then.  This post outlines the proposal currently before government, updates readers on any progress made, and highlights the critical issues that ought to be addressed on a go-forward basis.

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Gardening on Vacant Land –Through Calgary’s Lens

PDF version: Gardening on Vacant Land –Through Calgary’s Lens

Comment: Gardening on Vacant Land in Calgary – Part II

The ABlawg post Part I of Gardening on Vacant Land in Calgary, Verdant History, Volatile Endeavor, described the rich history of gardening on vacant land in Calgary, and discussed  law and policy challenges posed by the Occupiers Liability Act, RSA 2000, c O-4.  This ABlawg post turns to issues of vacant land use for gardening in Calgary.

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Gardening on Vacant Land –Verdant History, Volatile Endeavor

PDF version: Gardening on Vacant Land –Verdant History, Volatile Endeavor

Comment: Gardening on vacant land in Calgary – Part I

On the Victoria Day long-weekend in 2012, Donna Clarke and some volunteers planted potatoes on a vacant lot next door to her home in Scarboro on 17th Avenue S.W.  The fence was painted in bright colours and painted tires were used as planters.  The lots were owned by Scarboro Projects Ltd., an affiliate of Vancouver mortgage firm who had foreclosed on a number of adjacent properties in 2009.  Three of the buildings had been ordered demolished by the City of Calgary in 2011 as part of a crackdown on derelict properties.

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