Category Archives: Environmental

Decapitating the Fisheries Act by removing the HADD: A Critique of the Rationale

PDF version: Decapitating the Fisheries Act  by removing the HADD: A Critique of the Rationale Decision considered: Federal government proposal to remove habitat protection from the Fisheries Act. The federal government of Canada proposes to remove the habitat protection provisions … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Environmental, Fisheries Regulation, Natural Resources | 8 Comments

The European Fuel Quality Directive: Will It Slay or Will It Go?

By: Matthew Ducharme PDF Version: The European Fuel Quality Directive: Will It Stay or Will it Go?  Document Commented On: Draft Implementing Measure to the European Union Fuel Quality Directive, February 23, 2012 On February 23, 2012, a European Union … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Environmental, International Law, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

The Northern Gateway Joint Review Panel and the Governor in Council

 PDF version: The Northern Gateway Joint Review Panel and the Governor in Council Documents commented on: (1) An open letter from the Honourable Joe Oliver, Minister of Natural Resources, on Canada’s commitment to diversify our energy markets and the need … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

CCS is now a CDM Project Activity

By: Ana Maria Radu PDF Version: CCS is now a CDM Project Activity   Decision Commented On: Decision -/CMP.7 Modalities and procedures for carbon dioxide capture and storage in geological formations as clean development mechanism project activities – adopted in December … Continue reading

Posted in Carbon Capture and Storage, Climate Change, Environmental | Comments Off on CCS is now a CDM Project Activity

Carbon Capture and Storage in Alberta: Draft Offset Protocol

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Carbon Capture and Storage in Alberta: Draft Offset Protocol Document and Regulations Commented On: Government of Alberta, Draft Quantification Protocol for the Capture of CO2 and Storage in Deep Saline Aquifers, December 2011; Specified Gas … Continue reading

Posted in Carbon Capture and Storage, Climate Change, Environmental | Comments Off on Carbon Capture and Storage in Alberta: Draft Offset Protocol