Category Archives: Ethics and the Legal Profession

Defining Prosecutorial Discretion (With an Invitation to the Court to Re-define Abuse of Process)

By: Alice Woolley PDF Version: Defining Prosecutorial Discretion (With an Invitation to the Court to Re-define Abuse of Process) Case Commented On: R. v. Anderson, 2014 SCC 41 With its unanimous judgment in R. v. Anderson, 2014 SCC 41, the … Continue reading

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#Yesallwomen/#Notallmen: Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession

By: Alice Woolley PDF Version:#Yesallwomen/#Notallmen: Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession How do we understand bad things done to women by men?  Through the few men who do them (#Notallmen)?  Through misogyny in our culture as a whole?  Through the … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and the Legal Profession | 2 Comments

Ethical vs. Unethical: The Troubling Tales of Tony Merchant

By: Alice Woolley      PDF Version: Ethical vs. Unethical: The Troubling Tales of Tony Merchant Case commented on: Merchant v Law Society of Saskatchewan 2014 SKCA 56 Introduction Last week the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal upheld the Law Society of Saskatchewan’s … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and the Legal Profession | 4 Comments

Defining the “Client” (or not) in Former Client Conflicts

By: Alice Woolley Case commented on: Orr v. Alook, 2014 ABQB 141 PDF version: Defining the “Client” (or not) in Former Client Conflicts When teaching the law on conflicts of interest to students, I suggest they start by determining the … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and the Legal Profession | 1 Comment

Law Society of Alberta Responds on TWU Law School Issue

By: Jennifer Koshan PDF Version: Law Society of Alberta Responds on TWU Law School Issue Back in February we posted a letter sent by signatories from the University of Calgary and University of Alberta law schools to the Law Society of … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and the Legal Profession, Human Rights, Legal Education | 1 Comment