Category Archives: Ethics and the Legal Profession

The Top Ten Canadian Legal Ethics Stories – 2015

By: Alice Woolley PDF Version: The Top Ten Canadian Legal Ethics Stories – 2015 Year’s end invites assessment of what has passed. For me, that includes reflection on the most significant developments in legal ethics over the year (Reflections from … Continue reading

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Liability and Lawyers

By: Alice Woolley PDF Version: Liability and Lawyers Case Commented On: Mraz v Herman, 2015 ABQB 573 The recent decision of Justice W.P. Sullivan in Mraz v Herman succinctly disposes of claims made against two Alberta lawyers. The first claim, … Continue reading

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The Volkswagen Scandal: When We Ask, “Where Were the Lawyers?” Do We Ask the Wrong Question?

By: Alice Woolley PDF Version: The Volkswagen Scandal: When We Ask, “Where Were the Lawyers?” Do We Ask the Wrong Question? Every institutional ethics scandal – Watergate, the 2008 Financial Crisis, Enron, the Savings and Loan Scandal, the Daily Mail … Continue reading

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The Authority of Law?

By: Alice Woolley PDF Version: The Authority of Law? Case Commented On: R v L.L. 2015 ABCA 222 In R v L.L. 2015 ABCA 222, the Alberta Court of Appeal reversed an award of costs made against the Crown at … Continue reading

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Prosecutors as Ministers of Justice?

By: Alice Woolley PDF Version: Prosecutors as Ministers of Justice? Three recent cases have brought to light bad behaviour by criminal prosecutors. In R v Suarez-Noa, 2015 ONSC 3823 Justice Reid ordered a mistrial after the prosecutor suggested “to the jury … Continue reading

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