Category Archives: Family

Anticipating the SCC’s Direction in Balev: The ABCA in Thompson v Thompson Emphasizes a ‘Child-centered’ Approach to the Hague Convention

By: Rudiger Tscherning PDF Version: Anticipating the SCC’s Direction in Balev: The ABCA in Thompson v Thompson Emphasizes a ‘Child-centered’ Approach to the Hague Convention Case Commented On: Thompson v Thompson, 2017 ABCA 299 (CanLII) On November 9, 2017, the Supreme … Continue reading

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The Effect of Well Abandonment and Reclamation Obligations for the Valuation of Matrimonial Property

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: The Effect of Well Abandonment and Reclamation Obligations for the Valuation of Matrimonial Property Case Commented On: Walker v Walker, 2017 SKQB 195 (CanLII) Judicial decisions on the legal nature of abandonment and reclamation obligations may … Continue reading

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CRILF Reviews Federal Divorce Data for Alberta

By: John-Paul Boyd PDF Version: CRILF Reviews Federal Divorce Data for Alberta Report Commented On: Analysis of Data from the Federal Justice Divorce File Review Study: Report on Findings for Alberta, 2011 The Department of Justice undertook the Federal Justice Divorce … Continue reading

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Recent Developments in Domestic Violence Law and Policy in Alberta

By: Jennifer Koshan PDF Version: Recent Developments in Domestic Violence Law and Policy in Alberta Legislation and Report Commented On: Bill 2, An Act to Remove Barriers for Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence; Family Violence Death Review Committee Annual Report … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Labour/Employment, Limitations, State Responses to Violence | 5 Comments

Capacity to Make and Revoke an Enduring Power of Attorney

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: Capacity to Make and Revoke an Enduring Power of Attorney Case Commented On: Pirie v Pirie, 2017 ABQB 104 (CanLII) The issue in this case was whether the applicant had the mental capacity in July 2016 … Continue reading

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