Category Archives: Human Rights

Justice Received After Nineteen Years. Delay in Walsh Case: What’s to blame?

PDF version: Justice Received After Nineteen Years. Delay in Walsh Case: What’s to blame? Case considered: Delorie Walsh v Mobil Oil Canada – Decision on Remedy, September 2, 2010 In a previous blog about the Walsh case, I commented on … Continue reading

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What are you Trying to Prove? Discrimination, Complainants and Human Rights

PDF version: What are you Trying to Prove? Discrimination, Complainants and Human Rights   Case considered: Burgess v. Stephen W. Huk Professional Corporation, 2010 ABQB 424 In the past few years, it has become increasingly difficult to ascertain in human rights … Continue reading

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What’s in a name? Construction Owners Association of Alberta and Construction Labour Relations – An Alberta Association Concerned about “Employer” in the Alberta Human Rights Act

PDF version: What’s in a name? Construction Owners Association of Alberta and Construction Labour Relations – An Alberta Association Concerned about “Employer” in the Alberta Human Rights Act  Case considered: Lockerbie & Hole Industrial Inc. v. Alberta (Human Rights and … Continue reading

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Legal costs can be an issue in human rights cases

Case considered: Canadian Human Rights Commission v. Attorney General of Canada, et al., 2009 FCA 309, leave to appeal to Supreme Court of Canada granted, SCC Bulletin April 23, 2010, #33507, 2010 CanLII 20527 PDF version: Legal costs can be … Continue reading

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Cost Decision in the Human Rights Case of Lund v. Boissoin

Case considered: Boissoin v. Lund, 2010 ABQB 123 PDF version: Cost Decision in the Human Rights Case of Lund v. Boissoin There are several ABlawg posts written about the human rights case involving Dr. Darren Lund’s complaint to the Alberta … Continue reading

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