Category Archives: Municipal Law

Gardening on Vacant Land –Verdant History, Volatile Endeavor

PDF version: Gardening on Vacant Land –Verdant History, Volatile Endeavor Comment: Gardening on vacant land in Calgary – Part I On the Victoria Day long-weekend in 2012, Donna Clarke and some volunteers planted potatoes on a vacant lot next door … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Municipal Law, Property | 1 Comment

I Fought the Law: Civil Disobedience and the Law in Canada

PDF version: I Fought the Law: Civil Disobedience and the Law in Canada Cases commented on: Calgary (City) v Bullock (Occupy Calgary), 2011 ABQB 764; Batty v City of Toronto, 2011 ONSC 6862; R v SA, 2011 ABPC 269; R … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Human Rights, Municipal Law | 1 Comment

Should They Stay or Should They Go? Occupy, The City and the Charter

PDF version: Should They Stay or Should They Go? Occupy, The City and the Charter I’ve been to Zuccotti Park in New York City, the base camp of Occupy Wall Street, a few times this fall. The first time was … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Municipal Law | 6 Comments

Leave to Appeal Granted in Street Preacher Case

PDF version: Leave to Appeal Granted in Street Preacher Case  Case considered: R v Pawlowski, 2011 ABCA 267 On September 27, 2011, Justice Patricia Rowbotham of the Alberta Court of Appeal granted Artur Pawlowski leave to appeal certain elements of … Continue reading

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There’s no right to absolute privacy when you want to build something in a city

PDF version: There’s no right to absolute privacy when you want to build something in a city  Case commented on: Edmonton (City) v. Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner), 2011 ABQB 226 There is no absolute right to privacy in the … Continue reading

Posted in Municipal Law, Privacy | Comments Off on There’s no right to absolute privacy when you want to build something in a city