By: Nigel Bankes
PDF Version: Bill 12: a reprise
Legislation Commented On: Preserving Canada’s Economic Prosperity Act, SA 2018, c P-21.5
Case Commented On: British Columbia (Attorney General) v Alberta (Attorney General), 2019 ABQB 121 (CanLII)
I commented on Preserving Canada’s Economic Prosperity Act (PCEPA) when it was first introduced in the spring of 2018: see “A Bill to Restrict the Interprovincial Movement of Hydrocarbons: a.k.a. Preserving Canada’s Economic Prosperity [Act]” (18 April, 2018). At that time, I expressed doubts as to the constitutional validity of elements of Bill 12 as it then was, especially those provisions pertaining to refined products as well as any implementation measures that might involve discrimination by destination with respect to any exports. I remain of that opinion.
What has changed since then is that PCEPA has now been proclaimed (April 30, 2019); that is to say, it now has the force of law in Alberta. Prior to proclamation, PCEPA was of no legal significance. It was that absence of legal significance that led Justice Hall in his judgment in British Columbia (Attorney General) v Alberta (Attorney General) in February of this year to dismiss British Columbia’s challenge to the legislation. Justice Hall concluded that any such attack, at least by way of a declaration as to invalidity, was premature: