By: Nigel Bankes
PDF Version: Oil Sands Emission Limit Legislation: A Real Commitment or Kicking It Down the Road?
Legislation Commented On: Bill 25: The Oil Sands Emission Limit Act
Alberta’s Climate Leadership Plan has four key planks:
- Phasing out emissions from coal-generated electricity and developing more renewable energy
- Implementing a new carbon price on greenhouse gas emissions
- A legislated oil sands emission limit
- Employing a new methane emission reduction plan
The province introduced legislation to implement an economy-wide carbon price in June (the Climate Leadership Implementation Act) and in the resumed session this fall (2016) it has introduced Bill 25: The Oil Sands Emission Limit Act to implement the third objective, a legislated oil sands emission limit. This was not something that the Leach Report had recommended but here is what the Government said in making this commitment: