Category Archives: Oil & Gas

ITLOS Special Chamber Prescribes Provisional Measures with Respect to Oil and Gas Activities in Disputed Area in Case Involving Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: ITLOS Special Chamber Prescribes Provisional Measures with Respect to Oil and Gas Activities in Disputed Area in Case Involving Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire Decision Commented On: International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), … Continue reading

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Summary Judgment on Contested Amounts Owing under Natural Gas Processing and Related Agreements

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Summary Judgment on Contested Amounts Owing under Natural Gas Processing and Related Agreements Case Commented On: SemCAMS ULC v Blaze Energy Ltd, 2015 ABQB 218 This is an important judgment on the interplay between the … Continue reading

Posted in Contracts, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

Crown Oil Sands Dispositions and the Duty to Consult

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Crown Oil Sands Dispositions and the Duty to Consult Case Commented On: Buffalo River Dene Nation v Ministry of Energy and Resources and Scott Land and Lease Ltd, 2015 SKCA 31 The Saskatchewan Court of … Continue reading

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Gross Negligence and Set-off Rights under the 2007 CAPL Operating Procedure

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Gross Negligence and Set-off Rights under the 2007 CAPL Operating Procedure Case Commented On: Bernum Petroleum Ltd v Birch Lake Energy Inc., 2014 ABQB 652; unreported transcript of reasons of Master Robertson, July 31, 2013 … Continue reading

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What happens when A sells B a Working Interest in the Thermal or Enhanced Production from an Oil and Gas Property and A or its Successors in Interest Continue with Primary Production?

By: Nigel Bankes PDF version: What happens when A sells B a working interest in the thermal or enhanced production from an oil and gas property and A or its successors in interest continue with primary production? Case Considered: IFP … Continue reading

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