Category Archives: Oil & Gas

The AER’s Peace River Odours and Emissions Report and Response

By: Nigel Bankes Reports commented on: AER Report of Recommendations on Odours and Emissions in the Peace River Area, March 31, 2014, 2014 ABAER 005; AER Response, April 15, 2014 PDF version: The AER’s Peace River Odours and Emissions Report … Continue reading

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Crown Oil Sands Dispositions and the Duty to Consult

By: Nigel Bankes Case commented on: Buffalo River Dene Nation v. Ministry of Energy and Resources and Scott Land and Lease Ltd., 2014 SKQB 69 PDF version: Crown Oil Sands Dispositions and the Duty to Consult In this decision Justice Currie … Continue reading

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Four Years Out: Is the Gulf of Mexico Safer Today?

By: Jacqueline L. Weaver In February 2011, at the invitation of Professor Alastair Lucas at the University of Calgary, I spoke on the U of C campus about the causes and consequences of the BP oil spill in the Gulf … Continue reading

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Decision of the High Court of Australia of Interest to Canada’s Energy Bar

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Decision of the High Court of Australia of Interest to Canada’s Energy Bar Case Commented On: Electricity Generation Corporation v Woodside Energy Ltd, [2014] HCA 7 In this majority decision the High Court of Australia … Continue reading

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Bill C-22 and the Proposed Regime for the Development of Transboundary Oil and Gas Pools and Fields

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Bill C-22 and the Proposed Regime for the Development of Transboundary Oil and Gas Pools and Fields Proposed legislation commented on: Bill C-22, An Act respecting Canada’s offshore oil and gas operations, enacting the Nuclear … Continue reading

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