Category Archives: Oil & Gas

Keystone XL Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement: Next Steps & Climate Impact

By: James Coleman PDF Version: Keystone XL Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement: Next Steps & Climate Impact Report Commented On: Keystone XL, Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement On January 31, the United States State Department issued its Final Supplemental Environmental … Continue reading

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The Limits to Summary Judgement in Oil and Gas Compensatory Royalty Cases

By Nigel Bankes PDF Version: The Limits to Summary Judgement in Oil and Gas Compensatory Royalty Cases Case commented on: Laird v Sword Energy Inc., 2014 ABQB 13. This decision of Justice Don Manderscheid confirms that it will a rare … Continue reading

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The Not Quite Twelve Days of Northern Gateway

By Martin Olszynski PDF Version: The Not Quite Twelve Days of Northern Gateway Decision Commented On: Report of the Joint Review Panel for the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project When the Joint Review Panel’s report for the Northern Gateway Project (the … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

Protecting Alberta’s Environment Act: A Keystone Kops Response to Environmental Monitoring and Reporting in Alberta

By Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Protecting Alberta’s Environment Act: A Keystone Kops Response to Environmental Monitoring and Reporting in Alberta Legislation commented on: Protecting Alberta’s Environment Act, SA 2013, c P-26.8 The Protecting Alberta’s Environment Act received royal assent on December … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

What are the Rules Governing Consents to Assignments of Pipeline Easements across Indian Reserves?

PDF Version: What are the Rules Governing Consents to Assignments of Pipeline Easements across Indian Reserves?  Case commented on: Coldwater Indian Band v Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 2013 FC 1138 This case raises the question of the … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment