Category Archives: Oil & Gas

When Does the Purchaser of an Interest in a Natural Gas Processing Plant also Purchase an Interest in the Sulphur Block Associated with the Plant? Answer: Only when the Agreement (or perhaps ‘the Elephant in the Room’) says so!

PDF version: When does the purchaser of an interest in a natural gas processing plant also purchase an interest in the sulphur block associated with the plant? Answer: only when the agreement (or perhaps ‘the elephant in the room’) says … Continue reading

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Summary judgement on an oil and gas lease termination case

PDF version: Summary judgement on an oil and gas lease termination case Decision commented on: P Burns Resources Limited v Locke, Stock and Barrel Company Limited, 2013 ABQB 129. In this appeal from an unreported decision of Master Laycock, Justice … Continue reading

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A Farmee that Spuds in the Test Well has the Right to a Default Notice

PDF version: A farmee that spuds in the test well has the right to a default notice Case commented on: EOG Resources Canada v Unconventional Gas Resources Canada Operating Inc, 2013 ABQB 105 (MC) This decision interprets the default clause … Continue reading

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Whoever heard of such a thing? A Crown oil and gas lease an intangible form of personal property?

PDF version: Whoever heard of such a thing? A Crown oil and gas lease an intangible form of personal property? Case considered: Kasten Energy Inc v Shamrock Oil and Gas Ltd, 2013 ABQB 63. In this case Justice Lee granted … Continue reading

Posted in Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

When is a Lease Issued “In Lieu” of an Existing Lease?

PDF version: When is a lease issued “in lieu” of an existing lease? Case Commented In: Canadian Natural Resources Limited v Jensen Resources Ltd, 2012 ABQB 786 In the early 1980s the Government of Alberta decided to make a clearer … Continue reading

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