Category Archives: Property

The Effect of Non-compliance with the Dower Act – Yet Again

PDF version: The Effect of Non-compliance with the Dower Act – Yet Again  Case considered: Webb (Re), 2011 ABQB 89 The context of this dower case is somewhat unusual. The Registrar in Bankruptcy had directed a trial to determine whether … Continue reading

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Specific Performance of Contracts for the Sale and Purchase of Land: Is Deeming Land to be Unique Enough to Return to Pre-Semelhago Days?

PDF version: Specific Performance of Contracts for the Sale and Purchase of Land: Is Deeming Land to be Unique Enough to Return to Pre-Semelhago Days?  Case commented on: Raymond v. Raymond Estate, 2011 SKCA 58 Fifteen years ago, before the … Continue reading

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Saskatchewan oil and gas land titles case confirms the basic principles: a volunteer cannot take the benefit of a registrar’s error

PDF version: Saskatchewan oil and gas land titles case confirms the basic principles: a volunteer cannot take the benefit of a registrar’s error  Case commented on: Ronald Olney (Executor of the estate of Kenneth Olney) v Great-West Life Assurance Company … Continue reading

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Perennial Problem of Section 8 of the Interest Act

PDF version: Perennial Problem of Section 8 of the Interest Act  Case considered: Equitable Trust Co. v. Lougheed Block Inc., 2011 ABQB 193 This is one of several recent cases concerning the Lougheed Building at 604 – 1st Street SW … Continue reading

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Compensation for cancelled oil sands rights under the terms of the draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan

PDF version: Compensation for cancelled oil sands rights under the terms of the draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan  Documents commented on: Draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan 2011 – 2021, Strategic Plan and Implementation Plan; Proposed Lower Athabasca Integrated Regional Plan … Continue reading

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