Category Archives: Property

Vindication of a Residential Tenant’s Rights – At Least Temporarily

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: Vindication of a Residential Tenant’s Rights – At Least Temporarily Case Commented On: Lautner v Searle, 2011 ABQB 263 This very short decision by Master Walter H. Breitkreuz, Q.C., is about an unjustified and … Continue reading

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The proof of the pudding: ALSA and the Draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan

PDF version: The proof of the pudding: ALSA and the Draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan Documents commented on: Draft Lower Athabasca Regional Plan 2011 – 2021, Strategic Plan and Implementation Plan; Proposed Lower Athabasca Integrated Regional Plan Regulations On April … Continue reading

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Tracing Original Property to Replacement Property: What Evidence is Required?

PDF version: Tracing Original Property to Replacement Property: What Evidence is Required?  Case considered: Scheffelmeier v. Krassman, 2011 ABCA 64 In Scheffelmeier v. Krassman the Alberta Court of Appeal once again dealt with tracing exempt property under the Matrimonial Property … Continue reading

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Regulatory chill, weak regional plans, and lots of jobs for lawyers: the proposed amendments to the Alberta Land Stewardship Act

PDF version: Regulatory chill, weak regional plans, and lots of jobs for lawyers: the proposed amendments to the Alberta Land Stewardship Act  Legislation commented on: Bill 10, the Alberta Land Stewardship Amendment Act, 2011 In an earlier blog, I commented … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Property, Protection of Spaces | 1 Comment

ALSA and the property rights debate in Alberta: a certificate of title to land is not a “statutory consent”

PDF version: ALSA and the property rights debate in Alberta: a certificate of title to land is not a “statutory consent”  Statute commented on: Alberta Land Stewardship Act, SA 2009, c.A-26.8 There is significant public debate in Alberta about a … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Property, Protection of Spaces | 9 Comments