The Faculty of Law is grateful to the start-up funding provided by the Alberta Law Foundation for ABlawg, and to the financial support of the Faculty of Law and Society of Law Students (SLS) for this project over the past five years. Funds are used to hire law students to summarize newly released cases on a weekly basis, moderate comments, and provide technological “fixes” and ongoing maintenance. The Faculty and all contributors to ABlawg are also grateful to the individual ABlawg readers who have made donations to ABlawg.

Readers who wish to support the work of ABlawg are able to donate directly to the blog by either of the following methods:

1)    Online
·       Go to the University’s Donate Online
·       In the “Designation” field (under “Donation Information”) select “Faculty of Law Annual Fund”.
·       In the “Comments” field (under “Additional Information”) indicate the donation is to be directed to the Faculty of Law’s ABlawg.

2)    By Mail
·       Your cheque may be made payable to the “University of Calgary” with the “Faculty of Law’s ABlawg” in the memo line of the cheque.
·       Mail your cheque to:

Director of Development
Faculty of Law
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, AB
T2N 1N4

The Faculty of Law and all contributors to ABlawg thank you for your support.