Family Violence and Family Law in Alberta: The Need for Legislative Reform and Expansive Statutory Interpretation

By: Jennifer Koshan PDF Version: Family Violence and Family Law in Alberta: The Need for Legislative Reform and Expansive Statutory Interpretation Legislation Commented On: Family Law Act, SA 2003, c F-4.5 (CanLII) November is Family Violence Protection Month in Alberta, and this provides a good opportunity to reflect on the laws that address family violence in […]

Energy Storage, Definition and Ownership Between Alberta and Texas

By: Ahmed Selim PDF Version: Energy Storage, Definition and Ownership Between Alberta and Texas Policy Commented On: Alberta Electric System Operator’s (AESO) Energy Storage Alberta has the least regulated electricity market in Canada (see generally Natural Resources Canada, “About Electricity”). The Alberta market is an energy-only market where electricity generators are paid solely based on the […]

Alberta’s Vaccine Passport System: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

By: Lorian Hardcastle and Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Alberta’s Vaccine Passport System: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Matters Commented On: Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) Order 42-2021 and CMOH Order 43-2021 Good governance practices by the executive branch in how it addresses COVID-19 have largely been absent throughout the pandemic across Canada, […]

Critical Infrastructure Defence Act Charter Challenge Survives Alberta Government’s Motion to Strike

By: Jennifer Koshan, Lisa Silver and Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: Critical Infrastructure Defence Act Charter Challenge Survives Alberta Government’s Motion to Strike Case Commented On: Alberta Union of Public Employees v Her Majesty the Queen (Alberta), 2021 ABQB 371 (CanLII) Last summer we posted a critical analysis of Alberta’s Bill 1, the Critical Infrastructure Defence Act, […]