Northern Gateway: Federal Court of Appeal Applies Wrong CEAA Provisions and Unwittingly Affirms Regressiveness of 2012 Budget Bills

By: Martin Olszynski PDF Version: Northern Gateway: Federal Court of Appeal Applies Wrong CEAA Provisions and Unwittingly Affirms Regressiveness of 2012 Budget Bills Case Commented On: Gitxaala Nation v. Canada, 2016 FCA 187 (CanLII) On June 20, 2016, the Federal Court of Appeal released its much anticipated decision in the Northern Gateway legal saga (for a list […]

Chronicles of the Canadian High Court of Environmental Justice: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society v Maligne Tours

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Chronicles of the Canadian High Court of Environmental Justice: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society v Maligne Tours Case Commented On: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society v Maligne Tours, 2016 FC 148 In a decision issued February 8, 2016, the Honourable Mr Justice James Russell denied an application by the Canadian […]

Section 27 of the Surface Rights Act and the Potential Fallout of Non-Compliance

By: Fenner Stewart PDF Version: Section 27 of the Surface Rights Act and the Potential Fallout of Non-Compliance Legislation Commented On: Surface Rights Act, RSA 2000, c S-24 Section 27 of Alberta’s Surface Rights Act obliges operators to notify landowners of the opportunity to renegotiate leases, but provides no enforcement measures for operator non-compliance. This […]

Civil Liberties Association Holds Public Consultation on Gay-Straight Alliances in Schools

By: Sarah Burton PDF Version: Civil Liberties Association Holds Public Consultation on Gay-Straight Alliances in Schools Consultation Commented On: Rocky Mountain Civil Liberties Association, Consultation on Gay Straight Alliances, January 27, 2015 The Rocky Mountain Civil Liberties Association (RMCLA) recently conducted public consultations to continue Alberta’s ongoing conversation about Gay Straight Alliances (GSAs) in schools. […]

Judicial Supervision of the National Energy Board (NEB): The Federal Court of Appeal Defers to the NEB on Key Decisions

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Judicial Supervision of the National Energy Board (NEB): The Federal Court of Appeal Defers to the NEB on Key Decisions Cases Commented On: Forest Ethics Advocacy Association and Donna Sinclair v National Energy Board, 2014 FCA 245; City of Vancouver v National Energy Board, and TransMountain Pipeline ULC, Order of […]