Mind the Gap: A New Tort of Harassment in Alberta

By: Jennifer Koshan Case Commented On: Alberta Health Services v Johnston, 2023 ABKB 209 (CanLII) PDF Version: Mind the Gap: A New Tort of Harassment in Alberta The law of torts is as old as the mythical reasonable man, but courts continue to create new torts that respond to changing social circumstances and formally recognize […]

A Change of Status and a Request

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: A Change of Status and a Request With the permission of the editorial leaders of ABlawg, I am using this platform to announce my retirement from the Faculty of Law at the University of Calgary effective June 30, 2021. It seems particularly fitting to borrow ABlawg for this purpose given the […]

Mastery or Misogyny? The Ghomeshi Judgment and Sexual Assault Reform

By: Joshua Sealy-Harrington PDF Version: Mastery or Misogyny? The Ghomeshi Judgment and Sexual Assault Reform Case Commented On: R v Ghomeshi, 2016 ONCJ 155 On March 24, 2016, Justice Horkins of the Ontario Court of Justice acquitted Jian Ghomeshi of five criminal charges: four counts of sexual assault and one count of overcoming resistance to […]

“Safe and enjoyable and reasonable use”: Of public space, public fighting and Edmonton’s defence of its Public Places Bylaw

PDF version: “Safe and enjoyable and reasonable use”:  Of public space, public fighting and Edmonton’s defence of its Public Places Bylaw Case considered: R v Keshane, 2011 ABQB 525 A recent Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench decision, R v Keshane, 2011 ABQB 525 (“Keshane“) has further refined the contentious, and important issue of how much […]