ABlawg: Year in Review 2019

By: Admin PDF Version: ABlawg: Year in Review 2019 Introduction This was another busy year for ABlawg, with a total of 113 posts in 2019 to date. Nigel Bankes surpassed the 300 mark for lifetime posts in 2019 and one of his posts from 2017 was cited by the Supreme Court of Canada in Redwater (aka […]

Age Discrimination and Ameliorative Program Protections to be Broadened Under Alberta Human Rights Act

By: Jennifer Koshan PDF Version: Age Discrimination and Ameliorative Program Protections to be Broadened Under Alberta Human Rights Act Legislation Commented On: Bill 23, An Act to Amend the Alberta Human Rights Act On November 1, 2017, Bill 23, An Act to Amend the Alberta Human Rights Act, had first reading in the Alberta Legislature. As […]

Ebooks and Digests

1. Oil & Gas Contracts Ebook 2. Equality Rights Ebook 3. Farm and Ranch Workers’ Rights Ebook 4. Digest of Alberta Energy Regulator Participatory and Procedural Decisions Between 30 September 2015 and 1 February 2017 5. Landlords, Tenants, and Domestic Violence Ebook

Blogging and Legal Education

By: Jennifer Koshan PDF Version: Blogging and Legal Education I was at the Canadian Association of Law Teachers (CALT) conference in Ottawa earlier this week and participated in a roundtable on blogging and legal education. Other participants included University of Ottawa’s Angela Cameron from Blogging for Equality; Paul Daly from Administrative Law Matters; and Moin […]