BC Court Confirms That a Municipality Has No Authority With Respect to the Routing of an Interprovincial Pipeline

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: BC Court Confirms That a Municipality Has No Authority With Respect to the Routing of an Interprovincial Pipeline Case Commented On: Burnaby (City) v Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC, 2015 BCSC 2140 The Trans Mountain Expansion Project is still before the National Energy Board (NEB) (see the comment by Kirk Lambrecht […]

Whose (Pipe)line is it Anyway?

By: Martin Olszynski  PDF Version: Whose (Pipe)line is it Anyway? Document Commented On: Quebec’s Letter to TransCanada Corp. Imposing 7 Conditions on Energy East On November 18th, on the heels of a unanimous vote of non-confidence in the National Energy Board (NEB) by Quebec’s National Assembly, Quebec’s Environment Minister sent a letter to TransCanada outlining […]

Greenpeace v Canada: Symbolic Blow to the Nuclear Industry, Game-changer for Everyone Else?

By: Martin Olszynski  PDF Version: Greenpeace v Canada: Symbolic Blow to the Nuclear Industry, Game-changer for Everyone Else? Case commented on: Greenpeace Canada v Canada (Attorney General), 2014 FC 463 (CanLII) In this lengthy (431 paragraphs) decision, the Federal Court allowed in part Greenpeace et al’s application for judicial review regarding the Joint Review Panel […]

What are the Rules Governing Consents to Assignments of Pipeline Easements across Indian Reserves?

PDF Version: What are the Rules Governing Consents to Assignments of Pipeline Easements across Indian Reserves?  Case commented on: Coldwater Indian Band v Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 2013 FC 1138 This case raises the question of the leverage available to a First Nation to claim hold-out rents where a pipeline crosses reserve […]