Burnaby Refinery not a Priority Destination under Pipeline Tariff

PDF version: Burnaby Refinery not a Priority Destination under Pipeline Tariff Case commented on: Chevron Canada Limited Priority Destination Designation Application (15 July 2013) MH-002-2012 (NEB). Most shippers on the Trans Mountain Pipeline will no doubt be pleased with the recent decision of the National Energy Board (NEB) denying a Priority Destination Designation for Chevron’s […]

British Columbia and the Northern Gateway Pipeline

PDF version: British Columbia and the Northern Gateway Pipeline Document commented on: BC Outlines requirements for heavy oil pipeline projects, July 23, 2012. The proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline is proving to be extremely contentious on a number of fronts. It raises important questions about the duty to consult and accommodate indigenous peoples who may be […]

Alberta’s Water Sharing “Agreements”

By: Nigel Bankes Matter commented on: Water Sharing Agreements for the South Saskatchewan Basin, April 2024 PDF Version: Alberta’s Water Sharing “Agreements” Last month (April 19, 2024), Minister Schulz announced that what she referred to as the “largest water sharing agreements in Alberta’s 118-year history are now in place to help respond to the risk of […]

Yatar v TD Insurance Meloche Monnex: Limited Statutory Rights of Appeal and The Availability of Judicial Review

By: Shaun Fluker, Drew Yewchuk, and Nigel Bankes Case Commented On: Yatar v TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, 2024 SCC 8 (CanLII)  PDF Version: Yatar v TD Insurance Meloche Monnex: Limited Statutory Rights of Appeal and The Availability of Judicial Review This post discusses the recent Supreme Court decision in Yatar v TD Insurance Meloche Monnex, 2024 […]

‘Negative Population Growth’ for Boreal Caribou in Alberta

By: Shaun Fluker Report Commented On: First Report on the implementation of the Section 11 agreement for the conservation and recovery of the woodland caribou in Alberta (January 19, 2024) PDF Version: ‘Negative Population Growth’ for Boreal Caribou in Alberta In late January, Alberta issued the first Report on implementation of the Agreement for the conservation […]