The Role of the “Noble Savage” in Environmental Social Activism

PDF version: The Role of the “Noble Savage” in Environmental Social Activism Context of discussion: Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project This blog is to discuss what I call the “The Role of the Noble Savage” in the pursuit of environmental justice through social activism. I will use the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project to provide […]

Alberta Human Rights Tribunal Distinguishes Lockerbie and Moves Away From Constrictive Definition of Employment

PDF version: Alberta Human Rights Tribunal Distinguishes Lockerbie and Moves Away From Constrictive Definition of Employment   Decision considered: Pelley and Albers v Northern Gateway Regional School Division, 2012 AHRC 2 (Pelly and Albers) Once again the issue of who can be considered an employer under the Alberta Human Rights Act, RSA 2000 c A-25.5 (“AHRA”) […]

Failing to Assess the Key Issue: The Unsatisfactory Approval Process for Keystone XL

By: Jocelyn Stacey PDF Version: Failing to Assess the Key Issue: The Unsatisfactory Approval Process for Keystone XL  Decisions Commented On: United States Department of State Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Keystone XL Project (August 26, 2011); National Energy Board, TransCanada Keystone Pipeline GP […]

Secrecy in Species at Risk Act Permits

By: Drew Yewchuk & Daniella Marchand PDF Version: Secrecy in Species at Risk Act Permits Permit Commented On: Explanation for issuing permit (19-HCAA-01862) pursuant to the provisions of section 73 of SARA – Bull Trout Public Interest Law Clinic staff have been monitoring the Species at Risk Act, SC 2002, c 29 (SARA) public registry from […]

Reporting Obligations Under the Species at Risk Act: A Review of the Westslope Cutthroat Trout Recovery Strategy Implementation Progress Report

By: Dana Poscente and Drew Yewchuk PDF Version: Reporting Obligations Under the Species at Risk Act: A Review of the Westslope Cutthroat Trout Recovery Strategy Implementation Progress Report Matter Commented On: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Report on the Progress of Recovery Strategy Implementation for the Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) Alberta Population (also known as […]