Author Archives: Jonnette Watson Hamilton

About Jonnette Watson Hamilton

B.A. (Alta.), LL.B. (Dal.), LL.M. (Col.). Professor Emerita. Please click here for more information.

Rights of First Refusal and Options to Purchase: What’s the Difference?

Cases Considered: Koppe v. Garneau Lofts Inc., 2008 ABQB 354 PDF Version: Rights of First Refusal and Options to Purchase: What’s the Difference? Garneau Lofts Inc. had redeveloped commercial property in an historical structure which had been St. Joseph’s Hospital … Continue reading

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Challenging Purchasers’ Ability to Obtain Specific Performance of Agreements for the Purchase and Sale of Land

Cases Considered: 365733 Alberta Ltd. v. Tiberio, 2008 ABQB 328 PDF Version: Challenging Purchasers’ Ability to Obtain Specific Performance of Agreements for the Purchase and Sale of Land 365733 Alberta Ltd. v. Tiberio illustrates how commonplace challenges to purchasers’ ability … Continue reading

Posted in Property, Remedies | 1 Comment

Something Happened (with apologies to Joseph Heller)

Case Considered: Brentech Services Ltd. v. Sunray Manufacturing Inc., 2008 ABQB 301 PDF Version:  Something Happened (with apologies to Joseph Heller) “Want of prosecution” is a curious and old-fashioned phrase. It refers to an absence of steps taken in a … Continue reading

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Provincial Court Small Claims Appeals: When is an appeal by way of trial de novo appropriate?

Cases Considered: Rezources Inc. v. Gift Lake Development Corp., 2008 ABQB 254 PDF Version:  Provincial Court Small Claims Appeals: When is an appeal by way of trial de novo appropriate?  Section 51 of the Provincial Court Act, R.S.A. 2000 Ch. … Continue reading

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Do Common-Law Spouses have Dower Rights?

Cases Considered: Nielson v. Paumier Estate, 2008 ABCA 159 PDF Version:  Do Common-Law Spouses have Dower Rights? Strictly speaking, Mr. Justice Jack Watson’s decision in Nielsen v. Paumier Estate is simply a decision denying an application to restore an appeal … Continue reading

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