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Author: Nigel Bankes Page 13 of 88

Nigel Bankes is emeritus professor of law at the University of Calgary. Prior to his retirement in June 2021 Nigel held the chair in natural resources law in the Faculty of Law.

Former Minister of Justice Attempted to Interfere with the Administration of Justice: Kent Report

By: Shaun Fluker, Nigel Bankes & Martin Olszynski

PDF Version: Former Minister of Justice Attempted to Interfere with the Administration of Justice: Kent Report

Matter Commented On: The Kent Report (February 15, 2022)

On February 25, the Premier issued a brief statement announcing that former Minister of Justice, Kaycee Madu, was being shifted to Minister of Labour and Immigration, and that the former Minister of Labour and Immigration, Tyler Shandro, is now the Minister of Justice. This Friday afternoon swap was in response to the findings of retired Justice Adèle Kent in her investigation into a phone call made by Minister Madu to the Edmonton Chief of Police on the morning of March 10, 2021, concerning a traffic ticket issued to him that very same morning. As we discuss at the end of this post, this investigation seemingly only occurred because CBC news reporter Elise Von Sheel revealed the making of the call in a news story published on January 17, 2022. Several hours after the CBC broke the news, Premier Kenney announced on Twitter that Minister Madu was temporarily stepping aside from his ministerial duties while an independent investigation reviewed whether the call amounted to an interference with the administration of justice. The Kent Report concludes that the call (1) was an attempt to interfere with the administration of justice and (2) created a reasonable perception of an interference with the administration of justice. In this post, we summarize and comment on the findings of the Kent Report.

Province of Alberta Issues a Request for Full Project Proposals For Carbon Sequestration Hubs

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Province of Alberta Issues a Request for Full Project Proposals For Carbon Sequestration Hubs

Document Commented On: Request for Full Project Proposals For Carbon Sequestration Hubs, December 2, 2021

Following an earlier announcement (Information Letter 2021-19) in May 2021 (commented on here) and then a call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) in September (commented on here, the link to the EOI is now broken and the EOI no longer seems to be available), the province has now moved to the next stage in developing its hub-based carbon capture and storage (CCS) policy with the issuance of a “Request for Full Project Proposals For Carbon Sequestration Hubs” (RFPP). This latest RFPP indicates that

Province Issues Request for Expressions of Interest for Carbon Sequestration Hub Proposals

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Province Issues Request for Expressions of Interest for Carbon Sequestration Hub Proposals

Documents Commented On: Request for Expressions of Interest for Carbon Sequestration Hub Proposals, September 9, 2021 and Carbon Sequestration Tenure Management

In early May of this year, the Department of Energy issued Information Letter 2021-19 on Carbon Sequestration Tenure Management. In that letter, the Department indicated that it would be calling for proposals for sequestration hubs by “late spring” (at 2). I commented on the Information Letter here. Well, late spring morphed into late summer, and a call for proposals morphed into a Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) with the expectation that a Request for Full Project Proposals (RFPP) will be posted in December of this year and successful proponents selected by the end of March 2022 (Alberta Energy web page).

Off-Grid Energy for Bitcoin Mines in Alberta: A Problematic Legal Regime

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Off-Grid Energy for Bitcoin Mines in Alberta: A Problematic Legal Regime

Decision Commented On: Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC), Decision 26379-D02-2021, Allegations against Link Global Technologies Inc., Phase 1, August 19, 2021

I don’t know much about Bitcoin operations, but I do know that they need a lot of power to run large computers, and it therefore makes sense for them to locate near cheap sources of power. Over the last several months, there have been a number of stories about Bitcoin operators checking out Alberta locations. For example, Collin Gallant published a nice piece in the Medicine Hat News in April 2021. But this last week (August 25, 2021) the CBC ran with a more detailed story about one of the Bitcoin operators mentioned in Gallant’s piece (Link Global Technologies Inc.) that had co-located close to a shut in gas well to take advantage of cheap fuel to power their gas turbine generators.

A Change of Status and a Request

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: A Change of Status and a Request

With the permission of the editorial leaders of ABlawg, I am using this platform to announce my retirement from the Faculty of Law at the University of Calgary effective June 30, 2021. It seems particularly fitting to borrow ABlawg for this purpose given the number of times I have used it to communicate with the profession and the broader community about law and policy developments here in Alberta – and beyond. And I hope to continue to do so after retirement, if perhaps not as frequently as in the past.

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