By: Nigel Bankes
PDF Version: The Regulation of District Energy Systems in Alberta: Part 2
Decision Commented On: AUC Decision 26163-D01-2021, ENMAX Corporation and Calgary District Heating Inc., Applications for Disposition of the Downtown District Energy Centre and Transfer of the Combined Heat and Power Generating Unit (19 April, 2021)
This is a short but useful decision by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC or Commission) dealing with a district energy system as a public utility, the relevant considerations for granting exemptions and approving dispositions, and the regulatory consequences of moving from an exempt status to a regulated status.
The decision deals with a proposed sale by ENMAX of its Downtown District Energy Centre (DDEC) to Calgary District Heating Inc (CDHI) – a newcomer to Alberta’s electricity sector. ENMAX describes the DDEC in a 2016 application to the AUC as follows: