Author Archives: Nigel Bankes

About Nigel Bankes

Nigel Bankes is emeritus professor of law at the University of Calgary. Prior to his retirement in June 2021 Nigel held the chair in natural resources law in the Faculty of Law.

When Does the Purchaser of an Interest in a Natural Gas Processing Plant also Purchase an Interest in the Sulphur Block Associated with the Plant? Answer: Only when the Agreement (or perhaps ‘the Elephant in the Room’) says so!

PDF version: When does the purchaser of an interest in a natural gas processing plant also purchase an interest in the sulphur block associated with the plant? Answer: only when the agreement (or perhaps ‘the elephant in the room’) says … Continue reading

Posted in Contracts, Oil & Gas | Comments Off on When Does the Purchaser of an Interest in a Natural Gas Processing Plant also Purchase an Interest in the Sulphur Block Associated with the Plant? Answer: Only when the Agreement (or perhaps ‘the Elephant in the Room’) says so!

The Manitoba Métis Case and the Honour of the Crown

PDF version: The Manitoba Métis Case and the Honour of the Crown Case commented on: Manitoba Métis Federation Inc v Canada (Attorney General), 2013 SCC 14 In its historic decision on the constitutional rights of the Manitoba Métis, the majority of … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Constitutional, Property | 1 Comment

Summary judgement on an oil and gas lease termination case

PDF version: Summary judgement on an oil and gas lease termination case Decision commented on: P Burns Resources Limited v Locke, Stock and Barrel Company Limited, 2013 ABQB 129. In this appeal from an unreported decision of Master Laycock, Justice … Continue reading

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A Farmee that Spuds in the Test Well has the Right to a Default Notice

PDF version: A farmee that spuds in the test well has the right to a default notice Case commented on: EOG Resources Canada v Unconventional Gas Resources Canada Operating Inc, 2013 ABQB 105 (MC) This decision interprets the default clause … Continue reading

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Whoever heard of such a thing? A Crown oil and gas lease an intangible form of personal property?

PDF version: Whoever heard of such a thing? A Crown oil and gas lease an intangible form of personal property? Case considered: Kasten Energy Inc v Shamrock Oil and Gas Ltd, 2013 ABQB 63. In this case Justice Lee granted … Continue reading

Posted in Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment