By: Nigel Bankes
Matter commented on: Deferred Shell/Pieridae Licence Transfer Application: Amended Notice of Hearing, Proceeding 410, Shell Canada Limited and Pieridae Alberta Production Ltd., Caroline, Waterton, and Jumping Pound, and 2022 ABAER 001.
PDF Version: What is the Status of the Shell /Pieridae Deal and What is the AER Doing?
In 2019, Shell Canada, an international major, entered into a purchase and sale agreement (PSA) with Pieridae Alberta Production Ltd. The PSA contemplated that Shell would sell Pieridae its interests in what are known as Shell’s ‘Foothills Natural Gas Assets’ in Alberta: the Waterton, Jumping Pound, and Caroline fields. These assets are all sour gas assets meaning that they are rich in hydrogen sulphide, thus their development and continuing production pose considerable risks to human health as well as technical risks to the integrity of facilities that must be carefully managed.