Author Archives: Shaun Fluker

About Shaun Fluker

B.Comm. (Alberta), LL.B. (Victoria), LL.M. (Calgary). Associate Professor. Please click here for more information.

Seeking Leave to Appeal a Statutory Tribunal Decision: What Principles Apply?

By: Shaun Fluker and Drew Yewchuk PDF Version: Seeking Leave to Appeal a Statutory Tribunal Decision: What Principles Apply? Case Commented On: Bokenfohr v Pembina Pipeline Corporation, 2017 ABCA 40 (CanLII) Statutory provisions which provide for an appeal from a statutory … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law | 2 Comments

Legal Designation of the New Castle Wilderness Protected Areas

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Legal Designation of the New Castle Wilderness Protected Areas Orders in Council commented on: Order in Council 020/2017 (amendments to South Saskatchewan Regional Plan under Alberta Land Stewardship Act) Order in Council 021/2017 (amendments to Forest … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Protection of Spaces | Comments Off on Legal Designation of the New Castle Wilderness Protected Areas

The Alberta Energy Regulator in the Post-Information World: Best-in-Class?

By: Shaun Fluker and Sharon Mascher PDF Version: The Alberta Energy Regulator in the Post-Information World: Best-in-Class? Statement Commented On: Alberta Energy Regulator Public Statement 2017-01-13 As readers will know, on Friday January 13, 2017 the Supreme Court of Canada released … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Constitutional, Energy, Supreme Court of Canada | Comments Off on The Alberta Energy Regulator in the Post-Information World: Best-in-Class?

CPAWS Presents to the Expert Panel for Environmental Assessment

By: Shaun Fluker, Kristina Roberts, and Drew Yewchuk PDF Version:  CPAWS Presents to the Expert Panel for Environmental Assessment Case Commented On: Expert Panel Review of Environmental Assessment Processes The Expert Panel charged with reviewing Canada’s environmental assessment regime continues to … Continue reading

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Comments on the Proposed Species at Risk Act Permitting Policy

By: Shaun Fluker and Drew Yewchuk PDF Version: Comments on the Proposed Species at Risk Act Permitting Policy Proposed Policy Commented On: Government of Canada. Species at Risk Act Permitting Policy [Proposed] Environment and Climate Change Canada has released a series … Continue reading

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