Author Archives: Admin

Supreme Court Denies Leave to Appeal in Alberta Cases

By: Admin

PDF Version: Supreme Court Denies Leave to Appeal in Alberta Cases

Cases commented on: R v Alcantara, 2013 ABCA 163; R v Hanna, 2013 ABCA 134; Young v National Money Mart Company, 2013 ABCA 264

On January 30, 2014 the Supreme Court denied leave to appeal in three Alberta cases that gave rise to four separate leave applications. The Court’s summaries of the cases, and their dispositions, are below. Jonnette Watson Hamilton posted a comment on the Money Mart decision here.

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ABlawg Wins 2013 Clawbie for Best Law School/Law Professor Blog

ABlawg is thrilled and honoured to have won the Canadian Law Blogs Award (Clawbie) for Best Law School/Law Professor Blog for the second year in a row. Here is what the Clawbie judges had to say:

13) Best Law School/Law Professor Blog

ABlawg, the University of Calgary Faculty of Law Blog. No other Canadian law blog received as many nominations as this one, many of them from practicing lawyers who find ABlawg’s updates and insights highly valuable. This is not just the best academic law blog in Canada, a category that is very difficult to win; it’s one of the best law blogs around, period.

ABlawg is very much a collective effort, and so we collectively express our thanks to the Clawbie judges, all of those who nominated us, and most importantly, our dedicated readers.

Happy New Year to all.

Holiday Hiatus

ABlawg will be taking a break from Christmas Day to New Year’s. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our followers for your readership and support this year. We are honoured to have received so many Clawbie nominations from so many diverse sources. When we return in the new year, you can look forward to a series of posts on the NEB’s Northern Gateway Pipeline decision, amongst other commentary. We wish all of our readers a wonderful holiday season.

Public Consultations on Responsible Energy Development Act Regulations

PDF version: Public Consultations on Responsible Energy Development Act Regulations

News release commented on: Alberta Government, “Province seeks input on new energy regulator” (February 13, 2013).

The Government of Alberta announced on February 13 that it will be holding public consultation sessions as part of its process to develop the new regulations under the Responsible Energy Development Act. Public consultation sessions are taking place in 18 communities across the province and began on Wednesday, February 20. A list of the 18 sessions can be found on the Alberta Energy “Regulatory Enhancement Project” web page. The Calgary session will take place on February 25, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Glenmore Inn and Convention Centre, 2720 Glenmore Trail SE.

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ABlawg 5th anniversary challenges

PDF version:  ABlawg 5th anniversary challenges

As noted in a previous post, February 2013 marks the fifth anniversary of the launch of ABlawg. We have already encouraged our readers to subscribe, and to get your colleagues to subscribe, which you can do here or by following us on Twitter. Help us double our readership to over 1200 subscribers!

Our new challenge is to ask readers to tell us about your favourite post(s) from the past five years, which you can do by directly commenting on that post or by posting to our comments page here.  How to decide on your favourite, given that there have been nearly 600 posts to ABlawg in the past five years? Perhaps you will choose the post that has been the most useful to you, be that in advising your clients, supporting a legal argument in a paper or factum (or judgment!), or advocating for a particular outcome outside the practice / writing of law. Or maybe you will choose the most irreverent or controversial post, one that made you re-think your position on a legal or policy issue. Perhaps you are aware of the impact that ABlawg posts have had on the development of law or policy, and you will make your choice on that basis. Or maybe the post with the catchiest title, or with the most interesting links or attachments have won you over. Consider as well the series of posts we’ve written, including those on Bill 2, the Responsible Energy Development Act, and our series of posts on the most significant cases of the 2000s.

Whatever your choice, please let us know about your favourite posts, and your reasons why they are your favourites. Although we reserve the right to maintain our academic freedom, we also aim to please our readers, and would love to know what you enjoy about ABlawg.  Tell us!