Author Archives: Alice Woolley

About Alice Woolley

LL.M. (Yale), LL.B. (Toronto), B.A. (Toronto). Professor. Member of the Alberta Bar. Please click here for more information.

Reasonable or resolute? Musings on the obligation of lawyers to grant reasonable requests for extensions

Case considered: Moose Mountain Buffalo Ranch v. Greene Farms Drilling Ltd., 2009 ABQB 489 PDF version: Reasonable or resolute? Musings on the obligation of lawyers to grant reasonable requests for extensions Moose Mountain Buffalo Ranch and Greene Farms Drilling Ltd. … Continue reading

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Legal ethics and academic freedom?

Considered: Task Force on the Canadian Common Law Degree Final Report PDF version: Legal ethics and academic freedom? Introduction Last week the Federation of Law Societies issued the “Final Report” of its Task Force on the Canadian Common Law Degree. … Continue reading

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Unhappy differences arise in R. v. Cunningham

Case considered: R. v. Cunningham, 2008 YKCA 7 PDF version: Unhappy differences arise in R. v. Cunningham On November 17, 2009 the Supreme Court of Canada will hear argument in R. v. Cunningham, an appeal of a judgment by the … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and the Legal Profession, Supreme Court of Canada | 1 Comment

A curious cocktail – the mixed application of the law of contracts and administrative law to universities

Cases Considered:  Rittenhouse-Carlson v. Portage College 2009 ABQB 342 PDF version:  A curious cocktail – the mixed application of the law of contracts and administrative law to universities Jane Rittenhouse-Carlson brought an action against Portage College alleging breach of contract and … Continue reading

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The fat lady is singing: ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. v. Alberta (Utilities Commission)

Case considered: ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. v. Alberta (Utilities Commission), 2009 ABCA 246 PDF version: The fat lady is singing: ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. v. Alberta (Utilities Commission) The ongoing saga of the Alberta Utilities Commission’s treatment of … Continue reading

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