Author Archives: Martin Olszynski

About Martin Olszynski

B.Sc. in Biology (Saskatchewan), LL.B. (Saskatchewan), LL.M. Specialization in Environmental Law (University of California at Berkeley). Assistant Professor. Please click here for more information.

Revisiting Regulatory Negligence: The Ernst Fracking Litigation

By: Martin Olszynski PDF Version: Revisiting Regulatory Negligence: The Ernst Fracking Litigation Case Commented On: Ernst v. Alberta (Energy Resources Conservation Board), 2014 ABCA 285 On September 15, 2014, the Alberta Court of Appeal released its decision in Ernst v. … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Torts | 1 Comment

Federal Court of Appeal Reviews CEAA “Justification” Determination for Lower Churchill Falls

By: Martin Olszynski PDF Version: Federal Court of Appeal Reviews CEAA “Justification” Determination for Lower Churchill Falls Case Commented On: Council of the Innu of Ekuanitshit v. Canada (Attorney General), 2014 FCA 189 At least three times in the course … Continue reading

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Federal Court to Syncrude: Climate Change is a Real, Measured Evil, Whose Harm has been Well Documented

By: Martin Olszynski PDF Version: Federal Court to Syncrude: Climate Change is a Real, Measured Evil, Whose Harm has been Well Documented Case Commented On: Syncrude Canada Ltd. v Attorney General of Canada, 2014 FC 776 “The fall term in … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Constitutional, Environmental | Comments Off on Federal Court to Syncrude: Climate Change is a Real, Measured Evil, Whose Harm has been Well Documented

The ‘Inherent Limit’ Post-Tsilhqot’in: Where Indigenous Law and Land-Use Planning Meet

By: Martin Olszynski PDF Version: The ‘Inherent Limit’ Post-Tsilhqot’in: Where Indigenous Law and Land-Use Planning Meet Case commented on: Tsilhqot’in Nation v British Columbia, 2014 SCC 44 The focus of this post, the fourth in a series of ABlawg posts … Continue reading

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Greenpeace v Canada: Symbolic Blow to the Nuclear Industry, Game-changer for Everyone Else?

By: Martin Olszynski  PDF Version: Greenpeace v Canada: Symbolic Blow to the Nuclear Industry, Game-changer for Everyone Else? Case commented on: Greenpeace Canada v Canada (Attorney General), 2014 FC 463 (CanLII) In this lengthy (431 paragraphs) decision, the Federal Court … Continue reading

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