Author Archives: Shaun Fluker

About Shaun Fluker

B.Comm. (Alberta), LL.B. (Victoria), LL.M. (Calgary). Associate Professor. Please click here for more information.

Let’s Shine Some Light into Creative Environmental Sentencing

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Let’s Shine Some Light into Creative Environmental Sentencing Case Commented On: R v Canadian National Railway Company sentencing order dated June 2, 2017 (ABPC) On June 12 the Alberta government announced that Canadian National Railway Company … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Provincial Court | Comments Off on Let’s Shine Some Light into Creative Environmental Sentencing

Federal Court Grants Alberta Leave to Intervene in TransMountain Proceedings: Has Alberta Earned the Privilege?

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Federal Court Grants Alberta Leave to Intervene in TransMountain Proceedings: Has Alberta Earned the Privilege? Case Commented On: Tsleil-Waututh Nation v Canada (Attorney General), 2017 FCA 102 (CanLII) In Tsleil-Waututh Nation v Canada (Attorney General) Justice … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Intervenors and Standing, Oil & Gas | 2 Comments

The Expert Panel Report on Federal Environmental Assessment: Discretion, Transparency, and Accountability

By: Shaun Fluker and Drew Yewchuk PDF Version: The Expert Panel Report on Federal Environmental Assessment: Discretion, Transparency, and Accountability Report Commented On: Expert Panel on the Review of Federal Environmental Assessment Processes, Building Common Ground: A New Vision for Impact Assessment … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental | Comments Off on The Expert Panel Report on Federal Environmental Assessment: Discretion, Transparency, and Accountability

Jurisdictional Matters Concerning Environmental Protection Orders Under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Jurisdictional Matters Concerning Environmental Protection Orders Under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act Case Commented On: Director (EAP) v Alberta (Provincial Court), 2017 ABQB 3 (CanLII) During April and May of 2010 a significant gasoline spill … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Appellate Practice, Environmental | Comments Off on Jurisdictional Matters Concerning Environmental Protection Orders Under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act

Municipal Government Board Rules on Development Impacts to the G8 Legacy Wildlife Underpass in the Bow Valley

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Municipal Government Board Rules on Development Impacts to the G8 Legacy Wildlife Underpass in the Bow Valley Case Commented On: Town of Canmore v M.D. of Bighorn No. 8, 2017 ABMGB 10 Say again? The Municipal … Continue reading

Posted in Municipal Law, Protection of Spaces | 1 Comment