Author Archives: Shaun Fluker

About Shaun Fluker

B.Comm. (Alberta), LL.B. (Victoria), LL.M. (Calgary). Associate Professor. Please click here for more information.

Get Ready For a Whale of a Time: Northern Gateway and Species at Risk

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Get Ready For a Whale of a Time: Northern Gateway and Species at Risk Decision commented on: Report of the Joint Review Panel for the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project In December 2013 federal authorities recommended … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Oil & Gas, Protection of Species | 3 Comments

The Curious Case of the Greater Sage Grouse in Alberta

By Shaun Fluker  PDF Version: The Curious Case of the Greater Sage Grouse in Alberta Legislation commented on: Emergency Order for the Protection of the Greater Sage Grouse, PC 2013-2045  The Greater Sage Grouse is on the brink of disappearing … Continue reading

Posted in Protection of Spaces, Protection of Species | 1 Comment

Protecting Alberta’s Environment Act: A Keystone Kops Response to Environmental Monitoring and Reporting in Alberta

By Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Protecting Alberta’s Environment Act: A Keystone Kops Response to Environmental Monitoring and Reporting in Alberta Legislation commented on: Protecting Alberta’s Environment Act, SA 2013, c P-26.8 The Protecting Alberta’s Environment Act received royal assent on December … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

Amended Rules of Practice for the Alberta Energy Regulator: More Bad News for Landowners and Environmental Groups

PDF Version: Amended Rules of Practice for the Alberta Energy Regulator: More Bad News for Landowners and Environmental Groups Legislation commented on: Alberta Energy Regulator Rules of Practice as amended by Alta Reg 203/2013 In the Fall of 2012 ABlawg … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Intervenors and Standing, Responsible Energy Development Act | 1 Comment

Linking the California and Québec Emissions Trading Schemes

PDF Version: Linking the California and Québec Emissions Trading Schemes Agreement Commented On: Agreement Between the California Air Resources Board and the Gouvernement Du Québec Concerning the Harmonization and Integration of Cap-and-Trade Programs for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions In late … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change | Comments Off on Linking the California and Québec Emissions Trading Schemes