Author Archives: Shaun Fluker

About Shaun Fluker

B.Comm. (Alberta), LL.B. (Victoria), LL.M. (Calgary). Associate Professor. Please click here for more information.

A Stay of Proceedings and Endangered Species at the Environmental Appeals Board

PDF Version: A Stay of Proceedings and Endangered Species at the Environmental Appeals Board Decision commented on: Hanson and Lindberg v Director, Northern Region, Operations Division, Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, re: County of St. Paul (07 November 2013), … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Protection of Species | 2 Comments

The Smoking Gun Revealed: Alberta Environment Denies Environmental Groups Who Oppose Oil Sands Projects the Right to Participate in the Decision-Making Process

PDF Version: The Smoking Gun Revealed: Alberta Environment Denies Environmental Groups Who Oppose Oil Sands Projects the Right to Participate in the Decision-Making Process Cases Considered: Pembina Institute v Alberta (Environment and Sustainable Resource Development), 2013 ABQB 567 This decision … Continue reading

Posted in Access to Justice, Environmental, Intervenors and Standing | 4 Comments

Who Gets the Final Say on a Mineral Royalty Calculation? And Some Grumbling on Standard of Review Analysis

PDF Version: Who Gets the Final Say on a Mineral Royalty Calculation? And Some Grumbling on Standard of Review Analysis Case considered: Saskatchewan (Ministry of Energy and Resources) v Areva Resources Canada Inc., 2013 SKCA 79 This comment looks at … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Natural Resources | Comments Off on Who Gets the Final Say on a Mineral Royalty Calculation? And Some Grumbling on Standard of Review Analysis

Justice for the Blanding’s Turtle at the Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal

PDF version: Justice for the Blanding’s Turtle at the Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal Case commented on: Prince Edward (County) v Ontario (Ministry of the Environment), [2013] OERTD No 40. Sometimes an exploration into what is missing will reveal more than … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Protection of Species | 10 Comments

Raising Questions About the Use of an Offset For Compliance with Carbon Emission Reduction Obligations

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: Raising Questions About the Use of an Offset For Compliance with Carbon Emission Reduction Obligations Case Commented On: Citizen’s Climate Lobby and Our Children’s Earth Foundation v California Air Resources Board (Superior Court of California, County of … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, International Law | Comments Off on Raising Questions About the Use of an Offset For Compliance with Carbon Emission Reduction Obligations