By: Shaun Fluker
PDF Version: COVID-19 and Masking in Alberta K-12 Schools
Order Commented On: Record of Decision CMOH Order 33-2020
Many parents and their children are excited about the return to K-12 school, but they are also anxious about the potential for a COVID-19 outbreak at their schools. The barrage of information delivered to parents in the past week by schools regarding protocols for COVID-19 probably isn’t helping to ease any feelings of discomfort. Nor are reports that some schools have already delayed the start of classes because of an infection. Now is the time for a voice of authority to give assurance that the Government of Alberta has taken all possible measures to assess and mitigate the risk of contracting COVID-19 in schools. These measures would include the enactment of rules governing a return to school which are clear, organized, justified, and developed in a transparent process. Instead, the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) and the Premier have been responding to criticism and confusion about the return to school plan, and in particular the rules pertaining to masking and social distancing in Alberta’s K-12 schools. This is a very unfortunate outcome and is raising questions of trust in the CMOH, but it does not come as a surprise to me. I have been following Alberta’s COVID-19 law and policy since the declaration of the public health emergency in March, and I have consistently remarked that CMOH decisions have been plagued with non-transparency and disorganization (see here). This messy approach to lawmaking breeds confusion, and that is exactly what has transpired here. With these thoughts in mind, this post takes a critical look at the back to school rules set out in CMOH Order 33-2020.