Category Archives: Aboriginal

Provincial Environmental Appeal Boards: A Forum of Choice for Environmental (and First Nation) Plaintiffs?

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Provincial Environmental Appeal Boards: A Forum of Choice for Environmental (and First Nation) Plaintiffs? Decision Commented On: Chief Gale and the Fort Nelson First Nation v Assistant Regional Water Manager & Nexen Inc et al, … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Constitutional, Environmental, Oil & Gas, Water Law | Comments Off on Provincial Environmental Appeal Boards: A Forum of Choice for Environmental (and First Nation) Plaintiffs?

The Federal Crown Fulfilled its Consultation Obligations when the National Energy Board Approved a Seismic Program in Baffin Bay

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: The Federal Crown Fulfilled its Consultation Obligations when the National Energy Board Approved a Seismic Program in Baffin Bay Case Commented On: Hamlet of Clyde River, Nammautaq Hunters and Trappers Organization – Clyde River and … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Intervenors and Standing, Oil & Gas | 2 Comments

First Nations Education Funding: The Case of Sloan & Marvin

By: Elysa Hogg PDF Version: First Nations Education Funding: The Case of Sloan & Marvin Sloan and Marvin Miller are twin children with Down Syndrome and because of where they live, their government refuses to provide them with the special … Continue reading

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Sense and Sensibility at the AER?

By: David Laidlaw PDF Version: Sense and Sensibility at the AER? Decision Commented On: Pembina Pipeline Prehearing Meeting 2015 ABAER 002 The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) held a prehearing meeting on May 14, 2014 with all of the objecting parties … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Responsible Energy Development Act | 1 Comment

Aboriginal Title Claim Against a Private Party Allowed to Continue

By: Nigel Bankes     PDF Version: Aboriginal Title Claim Against a Private Party Allowed to Continue Case Commented On: Ominayak v Penn West Petroleum Ltd, 2015 ABQB 342 Some forty or so years ago the Lubicon Lake Band and Chief Bernard … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment