By: David V. Wright
Case Commented On: Gitxaala v British Columbia (Chief Gold Commissioner), 2023 BCSC 1680 (CanLII)
The Supreme Court of British Columbia (BCSC) recently ruled that the existing mineral tenure system in the province triggers provincial Crown obligations to consult First Nations. While the duty to consult is now a relatively mature area of law in Canada that is “replete with indicia for what constitutes meaningful consultation” (Coldwater First Nation v Canada (Attorney General), 2020 FCA 34 (CanLII) at para 41), some areas of uncertainty remain. This case dealt with one such long-standing question: does British Columbia’s “free entry” mineral tenure regime trigger the Crown’s duty to consult? This post discusses the findings of the court and briefly comments on implications of the decision for BC and the rest of Canada. My colleague Nigel Bankes recently wrote a post on the aspect of this decision pertaining to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (here), and my other colleague, Dr. Elizabeth Steyn, will soon publish a post on the sacred sites dimension of the decision.