Category Archives: Access to Justice

A New Concord Between Bar and Academy? The Governor General’s Speech to the Canadian Bar Association

PDF version: A New Concord Between Bar and Academy? The Governor General’s Speech to the Canadian Bar Association It is hardly an everyday occurrence for a viceroy to call publicly for a meeting with law deans to talk about legal … Continue reading

Posted in Access to Justice, Ethics and the Legal Profession | 1 Comment

Unauthorized practice and access to justice

PDF version: Unauthorized practice and access to justice  Case considered: Lameman v Alberta, 2011 ABQB 396 The Beaver Lake Cree Nation have commenced an action against the federal and provincial Crowns claiming that their treaty rights have been infringed by … Continue reading

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No Advance Costs Awarded on Charter Application

PDF version: No Advance Costs Awarded on Charter Application Case considered: D.W.H. v D.J.R., 2011 ABQB 119 Mr. H. and Mr. R. lived together as partners and planned to have a baby through a surrogate mother. The baby lived with … Continue reading

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French Language Rights in Alberta Get a Boost

PDF version: French Language Rights in Alberta Get a Boost  Case considered: R v Pooran; R v Vaillant, 2011 ABPC 77 Significant consequences can arise from what might otherwise have appeared to be just another mundane case; in this instance, … Continue reading

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Access to Justice and Human Rights Cases

PDF version: Access to Justice and Human Rights Cases  Case Considered: McClary v Geophysical Services Inc., 2011 ABQB 112 Not being able to afford legal representation occurs quite frequently in civil and criminal legal cases. Some individuals choose to self-represent-either … Continue reading

Posted in Access to Justice, Administrative Law, Human Rights | 2 Comments