Category Archives: Access to Justice

Supporting the Unrepresented: Case Management of Self-Represented Litigants

By: Alena Storton PDF Version: Supporting the Unrepresented: Case Management of Self-Represented Litigants Case Commented on: Pintea v Johns, 2016 ABCA 99 (CanLII) In Pintea v Johns, 2016 ABCA 99 (CanLII), the majority, Justices McDonald and Veldhuis, and dissent, Justice Martin, … Continue reading

Posted in Access to Justice, Civil Procedure | 1 Comment

Access to Justice, Self-Represented Litigants and Court Resources: A Snapshot from Alberta Superior Courts for the Month of May

By: Jennifer Koshan and Drew Yewchuk PDF Version: Access to Justice, Self-Represented Litigants and Court Resources: A Snapshot from Alberta Superior Courts for the Month of May Cases commented on: Pintea v Johns, 2016 ABCA 99 (CanLII); Erdmann v Complaints Inquiry … Continue reading

Posted in Access to Justice | 3 Comments

Vexatious Proceedings Distinguished from Vexatious Litigants

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: Vexatious Proceedings Distinguished from Vexatious Litigants Case commented on: R.O. v D.F., 2016 ABCA 170 (CanLII) This Court of Appeal decision is useful in drawing a distinction between litigation that is vexatious and a litigant … Continue reading

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Comparing the Views of Alberta Judges and Lawyers with Those in the Rest of Canada on Selected Family Law Issues

By: Lorne Bertrand PDF Version: Comparing the Views of Alberta Judges and Lawyers with Those in the Rest of Canada on Selected Family Law Issues Report Commented On: Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family, Comparing the Views of … Continue reading

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The Public Interest Exception to the Normal Costs Rule in Litigation

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: The Public Interest Exception to the Normal Costs Rule in Litigation Case Commented On: Gendre v Fort Macleod, 2016 ABQB 111 This judgment by Madam Justice K.D. Nixon touches on the public interest exception to … Continue reading

Posted in Access to Justice, Costs | 1 Comment