Category Archives: Administrative Law

Update on the Sage-grouse, the Separation of Powers and the Rule of (Ineffective Environmental) Law(s)

PDF Version: Update on the Sage-grouse, the Separation of Powers and the Rule of (Ineffective Environmental) Law(s) Cases Considered: Alberta Wilderness Association v Canada (Attorney General), 2013 FCA 190, Wildlands League and Federation of Ontario Naturalists v Ministry of Natural … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Constitutional, Environmental, Protection of Species | 4 Comments

Who Gets the Final Say on a Mineral Royalty Calculation? And Some Grumbling on Standard of Review Analysis

PDF Version: Who Gets the Final Say on a Mineral Royalty Calculation? And Some Grumbling on Standard of Review Analysis Case considered: Saskatchewan (Ministry of Energy and Resources) v Areva Resources Canada Inc., 2013 SKCA 79 This comment looks at … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Natural Resources | Comments Off on Who Gets the Final Say on a Mineral Royalty Calculation? And Some Grumbling on Standard of Review Analysis

Of Killer Whales, Sage-grouse and the Battle Against (Madisonian) Tyranny

PDF version: Of Killer Whales, Sage-grouse and the Battle Against (Madisonian) Tyranny Cases commented on: Alberta Wilderness Association v Canada (Attorney General), 2013 FCA 190, Agraira v Canada (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness), 2013 SCC 36, Canada (Fisheries and Oceans) v David … Continue reading

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Doctors Affected by Hospital Unit Closure Have Minimal Procedural Fairness Rights: Public Program Discretion Tops Individual Procedural Rights

PDF version: Doctors Affected by Hospital Unit Closure Have Minimal Procedural Fairness Rights: Public Program Discretion Tops Individual Procedural Rights Cases Considered: MacDonald v Alberta Health Services, 2013 ABQB 404. It is tempting to view the Alberta Queen’s Bench decision in MacDonald … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Health Law | 1 Comment

Adapting and Using the Law in the Recovery from a Natural Disaster

PDF version: Adapting and Using the Law in the Recovery from a Natural Disaster Law on the Edge panel discussion commented on: “Law at the Limits: A Canterbury Tale: Adapting and Using the Law in the Recovery from a Natural Disaster” The … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Conferences | 1 Comment