Category Archives: Administrative Law

What is the applicable standard of review in assessing the adequacy of reasons?

PDF version: What is the applicable standard of review in assessing the adequacy of reasons?  Case considered: Calgary (City) v Alberta (Municipal Government Board), 2010 ABQB 719 This decision concerns an appeal by the City of Calgary from an order … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Municipal Law | 2 Comments

The Energy Resources Conservation Board proposes to repeal provincial legislation

Proposal commented on: ERCB Bulletin 2010 – 42, Invitation for Feedback on Draft Legislative Amendments for Removing Industrial Development Permits for Energy Resource Use Yes. That’s right. In Bulletin 2010-42 issued on December 2, 2010 the ERCB announced that it … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Natural Resources | Comments Off on The Energy Resources Conservation Board proposes to repeal provincial legislation

The Supreme Court of Canada clarifies the role of administrative tribunals in discharging the duty to consult

PDF version: The Supreme Court of Canada clarifies the role of administrative tribunals in discharging the duty to consult  Case considered: Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. v. Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, 2010 SCC 43 In the 1950s British Columbia authorized Alcan … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Administrative Law, Energy | 5 Comments

Public Rights Trump Private Privilege

PDF version: Public Rights Trump Private Privilege   Case considered: J.O. v. Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School, 2010 ABQB 559 In December 2006 the Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School expelled J.O. based on allegations that she had been seen having sex with her boyfriend in the women’s … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law | 4 Comments

Lucy the Elephant v. Edmonton (City)

PDF version: Lucy the Elephant v. Edmonton (City)  Case considered: Reece v. Edmonton (City), 2010 ABQB 538 Lucy is a 34 year old elephant who lives in the Edmonton Valley Zoo. In recent years Lucy has attracted significant media and … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Environmental, Intervenors and Standing | 2 Comments