Category Archives: Administrative Law

What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander (and other, more mixed, metaphors): and a prediction as to the role of power and influence on law-making in the province.

Cases Considered: ATCO Midstream Ltd. v. Alberta (Energy Resources Conservation Board), 2009 ABCA 41. PDF Version: What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander (and other, more mixed, metaphors): and a prediction as to the role of … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Natural Resources | 1 Comment

Don’t you forget about me: Remembering the rest of administrative law after Dunsmuir

Cases Considered: Bear Hills Charitable Foundation v. Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission 2008 ABQB 766; East Prairie Métis Settlement v. Alberta (Métis Settlements Ombudsman) 2009 ABQB 31. PDF Version: Don’t you forget about me: Remembering the rest of administrative law … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Administrative Law | 2 Comments

Obtaining leave to appeal an ERCB decision: Where is the justice?

Cases Considered: Bearspaw Petroleum Ltd. v. Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, 2008 ABCA 405; Bearspaw Petroleum Ltd. v. Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, 2009 ABCA 3. PDF Version: Obtaining leave to appeal an ERCB decision: Where is the justice? Section … Continue reading

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A case of Disablement and Deference under the Workers’ Compensation Act

Cases Considered: Schneider v. Alberta (Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers’ Compensation), 2008 ABQB 662. PDF Version: A case of Disablement and Deference under the Workers’ Compensation Act Maurice Schneider was exposed to asbestos at work in the late 1960s and … Continue reading

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Water management planning and the Crown’s duty to consult and accommodate

Cases Considered: Tsuu T’ina First Nation v. Alberta, 2008 ABQB 547 PDF Version: Water management planning and the Crown’s duty to consult and accommodate *Thanks to Christina Smith and Monique Passelac-Ross for comments on an earlier draft. Alberta’s new Water … Continue reading

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